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Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500

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  • From: "liliane.perez" <liliane.perez AT>
  • To: ATHENA <athena AT>
  • Subject: Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:38:55 +0200

Title: Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500
University of Southampton
Centre for History of Textiles and Dress and Textile Conservation Centre

Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500
Conference, 22-23 July 2004
School of Art, Winchester Campus, University of Southampton

Via the medium of textiles, this conference will explore the intricate relationships between England and Spain over the last 500 years, investigating both the collaboration and conflict inherent in differences in religious, political, economic and social systems.  The Armada apart, the interaction of England and Spain in comparison to that of England and France is an under studied field.  New insights into the dialogue between the cultures will be sought through analysis of material and visual culture of royal alliances, trade, tourism, collecting and the media: from consideration of the diffusion of textile technology to the intimate connections between people, clothes and identity.  The emphasis will be on the Early Modern period with a selection of papers on the Modern period.

The conference will take place on 22-23 July 2004, the 450th anniversary of the political alliance wrought between Spain and England through the marriage of Mary Tudor and Philip of Spain in Winchester Cathedral.  This conference will bring together academic colleagues from Spanish and British museums and universities with a specific textile research interest, as well as individuals with a more general interest from the local community.

The exhibition, England y Espan_a: The Marriage of England and Spain at Winchester Cathedral will complement the academic content and will display a range of artifacts including portraits and tapestries from Spanish collections.  From the University¹s own Special Collections will be exhibited at the Winchester Campus highlights of the Montse Stanley Knitting Reference Library (a collection of literature and objects mainly from Spain and England) and of the Janet Arnold Archive (a unique resource of patterns taken from Early Modern period garments in different European collections).

The conference will be held at the University of Southampton Winchester Campus, Park Avenue, Winchester SO23 8DL.  For further information, please consult the Conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat, Ms Lorna Jefferies, Centre for History of Textiles and Dress on L.Jefferies AT or +44 (0) 23 8059 6904.
Image of Philip and Mary, Courtesy of Hampshire Record Office
University of Southampton
Centre for History of Textiles and Dress and Textile Conservation Centre

Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500
Conference, 22-23 July 2004
School of Art, Winchester Campus, University of Southampton

Provisional List of Speakers in Alphabetical Order

Four of the papers will be given in Castilian and the conference pack will contain translations into English of a substantial abstract of each in order to facilitate communication.  The plenary sessions will be held at the end of each day in order to give time for the formulation of questions and ensure the presence of interpreters.  The programme will begin at 9.30 on Thursday 22nd July and finish on Friday 23rd July by 17.30.  Tea, lunch and coffee will be served on each day, and a buffet dinner will be available early in the evening of 22nd July on payment in advance of a supplementary fee.  Full fee for conference: £90 (+ £12 for dinner).  Several student bursaries are available to cover the conference fee.

Keynote speaker:

Dr. Wendy R. Childs (Reader in Medieval History, School of History, Leeds)
From Eleanor of Castile to Katherine of Aragon: Spain and England, 1254-1509

Other speakers:

Ana Cabrera (Curator, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid)
A British Model for a Spanish Museum: History of the Textile Collection of the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid

Sílvia Carbonell i Basté (Keeper of Textiles, Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil, Tarasa)
Textiles, Interiors and Modernismo in Catalonia

Alison Carter (Senior Keeper of Arts, Hampshire Museums Service)
A Spanish prince wrapped in English robes? Mary I clothes her husband-to-be à l¹anglaise

Image of Philip and Mary, Courtesy of Hampshire Record Office.
 Henry Ettinghausen (Emeritus Professor of Spanish, University of Southampton)
Fashion Reporting in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain: Andrés de Almansa y Mendoza's Coverage of Prince Charles' Spanish Trip

Maria Hayward (Head of Studies and Research, Textile Conservation Centre, University of Southampton)
Spanish Princess or Queen of England? The Image and Identity of Catherine of Aragon  

Concha Herrero (Curator of Textiles, Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid)
The Conquest of Tunis Tapestries: Concept, Use and Reproduction

Marion Kite (Senior Conservator, Victoria and Albert Museum) and Linda Woolley (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Spanish materials, English craftsmanship? The Reconstruction of a rare and important late 16th century blackwork shift

Marta Mª Laguardia Álvarez (PhD student, University of Salamanca)
A set of liturgical vestments commissioned by Archbishop Alfonso Fonseca, ca. 1530 and his influence on the development of liturgical embroidery in Salamanca during the reign of Felipe II.

Amy Miller (Curator of Decorative Arts and Material Culture, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich)
Commerce and Conflict: Roller Printed Textiles and the Battle of Trafalgar

Lesley Miller (Head of History of Art and Design, University of Southampton)
Clash of Clothing Cultures? Reflections on the Impact of the Prince of Wales¹ Visit to Madrid on Dress

Alexander Samson (Lecturer in Golden Age Spanish Literature, University College London)
Changing Places: Gender Inversion and the Wedding of Philip of Habsburg and Mary Tudor, 25th July 1554.

Ann Saunders (Editor of Costume, Journal of the Costume Society)
London¹s Response to Wyatt¹s Rebellion

María Dolores Vila (Independent scholar, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid)
Goffered velvets in the Collection of the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid

Richard Wilson (Emeritus Professor of Economic History, University of East Anglia)
The Export of Norwich Stuffs to Spain, c.1750-1800

The conference will be held at the University of Southampton Winchester Campus, Park Avenue, Winchester SO23 8DL.  For further information, please consult the Conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat, Ms Lorna Jefferies, Centre for History of Textiles and Dress on L.Jefferies AT or +44 (0) 23 8059 6904.
 University of Southampton
Centre for History of Textiles and Dress and Textile Conservation Centre
Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500
Thursday 22nd-Friday 23rd July 2004

Conference 2004 Booking form.  Please fill in using block capitals.

Fee: £90.00 with £75.00 for early bird booking and Alumni of WSA and TCC with the cut-off date of Monday, 31st May 2004.  Includes lunch and refreshments each day, and the conference pack containing abstracts of all papers.  A buffet dinner on the evening of 22nd July will also be available on campus on payment at the time of booking of a £12.00 supplement.

Since participant numbers are restricted, early booking is advised.  Payment of the registration fee is required in pounds sterling at the same time as booking.  There is no one-day rate.

A limited number of student places are available at the conference, qualifying for a reduced registration fee of £45.00 and student bursaries are also available.  See appropriate webpage for further information.




Contact Telephone NumberŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠEmail addressŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ..

Do you have any dietary requirements or other special needs?  If so, please state below:

How would you like to pay the Conference fee?  Cheque/Card/Bank transfer
If you are paying by card please fill in your details below:
Card Type:   Visa/Other

I would like to attend the conference buffet dinner on Thursday 22nd July and have included £12.00 to cover the costs: Yes/No

I would like to join a pre-conference tour of Winchester Cathedral on Wednesday 21st July and have included £3.50 to cover the costs: Yes/No

If you are disabled (or your passenger), please contact us and we will arrange parking on campus.

Please fax or post the application form to Mrs Lorna Jefferies, Conference Secretariat, Textile Cultures, Centre for History of Textiles and Dress, Winchester Campus, Park Avenue, Winchester, UK, SO23 8DL.  Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 6901.  
On a separate sheet, please supply us with any additional information you think will help us to enhance your attendance at the conference.

De : <lm AT>
À : afet AT
Objet : [AFET] (no subject)
Date : Mar 23 mars 2004 13:33

Chers collegues,

Voici des renseignements concernant d'un congres au mois de juillet a
Winchester, Textile Cultures: Spain and England since 1500.  J'espere qu'ils
encouragent la participation des membres de l'AFET.


Lesley Miller
University of Southampton
Winchester Campus
Park Avenue
SO23 8DL

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