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athena - [Athena] WG: Society for History of Technology: Search for secretary and treasurer

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[Athena] WG: Society for History of Technology: Search for secretary and treasurer

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Philippe JARJAT <philippejarjat AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] WG: Society for History of Technology: Search for secretary and treasurer
  • Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:21:17 +0000 (GMT)
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Date:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-ID; b=Ci1CIKh4FgomF2hqW4O9lnP9g7pUoa+7V7DxDaDgnZ2Hbfr0ot3Jx9hdHC8igw81DNO45RAAOhwij2uN/X0Ji7843PKUWn+Js/wN6LHr4NIajGSfLM2c1I1MsFZdCJxUyAXKj8IvjGq9ClI+n2Ml8vwXiCixTHPUF6pa/F5xBsc=;

----- Weitergeleitete Mail ----
Von: Wendy Plotkin <wendyplotkin AT WBHSI.NET>
Gesendet: Samstag, den 15. März 2008, 22:43:03 Uhr
Betreff: Society for History of Technology: Search for secretary and treasurer

From: Joe Schultz <schultz AT>

Please excuse cross postings:

The Society for the History of Technology is now searching for
candidates to fill the post of secretary and the post of treasurer,
since terms for both Amy Bix and Richard Hirsh expire in December,
2008. The new secretary will serve a term starting in January, 2009, to
December, 2011 (with the option of extension). The new treasurer will
serve a term starting in January 2009, to December, 2010 (with the
option of renewal).

Both posts involve serious responsibility but also offer an exciting
chance to help shape the future of SHOT and contribute substantially to
our discipline and the success of our annual meetings. SHOT offers some
support for both posts (including paying for a part-time secretarial
office manager).

Download a description of the secretary's job (Word doc):

Download a description of the treasurer's job (Word doc):

Candidates for the secretary's position should submit a letter of
interest (about 2 pages) along with names and contact information for
three references to Ed Russell, chair of the secretary's search
committee, by April 1, by email attachment to russell AT

Candidates for the treasurer's position should submit a letter of
interest (about 2 pages) along with names and contact information for
three references to Arne Kaijser, chair of the treasurer's search
committee, by April 15, by email attachment to arnek AT

--Joe Schultz

Technology and Culture

[Ed: SHOT's homepage is .]

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  • [Athena] WG: Society for History of Technology: Search for secretary and treasurer, Philippe JARJAT, 03/16/2008

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