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[Athena] colloque Rome : archéologie des moulins, des meules et des meulières

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: "Alain Belmont" <alain.belmont AT>
  • To: <athena AT>
  • Subject: [Athena] colloque Rome : archéologie des moulins, des meules et des meulières
  • Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:01:40 +0100

Cher(e)s collègues,

Je vous transmets ci-dessous l'annonce d'un colloque qui se tiendra en 2009 à l'Ecole
Britannique de Rome, et qui portera sur l'archéologie des moulins, des meules et de leurs
carrières, toutes époques confondues.
Les adresses mail des organisateurs figurent en bas de l'annonce.

Bien cordialement,

Alain Belmont
Professeur d'histoire moderne
Université Grenoble 2


British School at Rome 4-8 November 2009

This email is to give you advance notice of a colloquium on mills and millstones to be
held at the British School at Rome in a year's time. It follows the highly successful
colloquia held at La Ferté sous Jouarre (2002) and Grenoble (2005) Full details and a
call for papers will be circulated in January. The proceedings will open on the evening
of 4th November with a keynote lecture by Professor Alain Belmont, and will be followed
by two days of papers and posters. An excursion to Ostia to see the Roman bakeries is
planned and possibly one to the mill quarries of Orvieto, if the necessary permissions
can be obtained.

Hostel accommodation (i.e. largely without private bathroom) will be available within the
School for about 120 Euros full board. Alternatively the nearby Albergo Paisiello
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be  will provide a single room with facilities for 92 Euros
and a double for 120 Euros (2008 prices). A more distant alternative might be the Hotel
Santa Chiara behind the Pantheon (MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be Lunch and dinner
can be taken in the school. We will provide further details in January.

The colloquium will follow the pattern established at La Ferté and at Grenoble and that
proposed for the Mayen colloquium, which was to have taken place this autumn, with the
following broad themes:
1. Ancient, medieval and recent millstone quarries
2. Quality, production and trade in querns and millstones. Economic quantification. To
include archaeometrical studies.
3. Millstones in action: agriculture, ore processing, glass making.  To include
ethnographic studies.
4. Protection and evaluation of millstone quarries
5. Poster sessions
These themes are intended to be indicative, but there will be no restrictions on other
topics being included and there will be no chronological constraints.
Half an hour maximum is allocated for individual lectures (20 minutes for presentation
and 10 minutes for discussion). If the quantity of contributions exceeds the time
available, a selection may be made. The remaining papers can be presented as posters. The
colloquium languages will be English, Italian, French and German.

Please pass this notice to anyone you think might be interested.

David Peacock and David Williams
University of Southampton

dpp AT; dfw AT

  • [Athena] colloque Rome : archéologie des moulins, des meules et des meulières, Alain Belmont, 29/10/2008

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