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[Athena] Reminder: 2009 CITA CONFERENCE: L. FORTUNATI, L. GIES, A. LASEN, 9/6/2009 and BOOK SALE
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Sandra Mols <smo AT>
- To: Sandra Mols <sandra.mols AT>, Conférences CITA <citaconferences AT>
- Subject: [Athena] Reminder: 2009 CITA CONFERENCE: L. FORTUNATI, L. GIES, A. LASEN, 9/6/2009 and BOOK SALE
- Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 15:37:42 +0200
- Mailscanner-null-check: 1244641292.37335@2IuNbbvtvjjeTRsaZMzLEw
nos excuses pour les doublons. Apologies for crossposting.
collègue, dear colleague
trouverez ci-bas un rappel de l'annonce
de la dernière séance des Conférences CITA 2009 Corps et
Technologies. Cette séance - "Quelle corporéité pour les
intrications technologiques?"
- aura
lieu le mardi
prochain à partir de 16h30. Les conférenciers seront Leopoldina
Fortunati (Université d'Udine), Lieve Gies (Keele
University) et Amparo Lasén (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). Un
détaillé de cette séance, qui se fera en français et en anglais, se
trouve aux adresses suivantes:
(French version),
(English version) Cette séance sera suivie d'une réception et d'une table et vente de livres dédiés à la corporéité technologisée en collaboration avec la Librairie Point Virgule.
Le comité organisateur Claire Lobet-Maris (CITA-FUNDP), Nathalie Grandjean (CITA-FUNDP), Sandra Mols (CITA-FUNDP), Céline Decleire (CITA-FUNDP), Yves Poullet (CRID-FUNDP), Annabelle Klein (GRICI-FUNDP), Gérard Derèze (COMU-UCL), Marc Lits (COMU-UCL), Sarah Sepulchre (COMU-UCL)
2009 CITA Conferences - Body and Technology - Closing Conference: Towards Technologically-Weaved Bodies?
Speakers : Leopoldina Fortunati (University of Udine, Italy), Lieve Gies (Keele University, UK), Amparo Lasén (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)
Time and place : Tuesday 9th of June 2009, 16H30, Faculté
FUNDP, 21 rue Grandgagnage, 4th floor, Salle Alan Turing,
Namur (Belgium)
Contributions to this conference will be
in French and in English, and include: The conference will be followed by a drink reception and by a book sale dedicated to body, embodiment and technology issues, organised in cooperation with the Librairie Point Virgule. ----------------------------------------------------
The Seminar Series in Brief: On Corpses, Embodiment and Contemporary Technology. Which Modes of Subjectivity under Contemporary Technologisation?
This seminar series explores the issues raised by the contemporary, growing, technologisation of bodily experience. Technologisation has significantly reconfigured modes of human bodily experience and subjective individuality. Contemporary bodies, while using technologies such as electronic prostheses, become trailed into technologised symbioses all more pervasive and intimate. This transformation fascinates as well as repulses, for it renders bodies monstrous and extra-ordinary in the same time. This seminar series aims at exploring the very roles and impacts of technologisation upon bodily experience, with a central analytical focus on the various modes and ways of experiencing technologised bodies. This variety will be encapsulated through talks originating from various fields, e.g. sociology, philosophy, history, semiotics, and technology assessment. All conferences are free of charge.
Organisation: Cellule Interdisciplinaire de Technology Assessment (CITA) (FUNDP, Namur, Belgique), Centre de Recherche Informatique et Droit (CRID) (FUNDP), Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en communication & internet (GRICI) (FUNDP), Département de communication (COMU) (Université Catholique de Louvain). Plan: Web: Programme:
Theme: -- Cellule Interdisciplinaire de Technology Assessment (CITA) Faculté d'Informatique Université de Namur Rue Grandgagnage, 21 B 5000 NAMUR Belgium FAX 32+ 81 72 49 67 |
- [Athena] Reminder: 2009 CITA CONFERENCE: L. FORTUNATI, L. GIES, A. LASEN, 9/6/2009 and BOOK SALE, Sandra Mols, 03/06/2009
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