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[Athena] URGENT : ICOHTEC 2010

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Patrice Bret <patrice.bret AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] URGENT : ICOHTEC 2010
  • Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 15:40:41 +0000 (GMT)
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:References:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=3zF5uq9G/7ARHPV33XvczXbYxHL+o1BS66jiOrGbE0Imxo+wkpi2bHeC/0D/pMPMwbGYUKbRPrw3K/9zA28BF/KVyOVONoApscgehJMrtmRPD+Evi/zg3LFEcC5Za6wvFEbBJ5vS6lzEAsD3qyRWXEsix/h1tCXgDnx6af1GvcE=;
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Je rappelle à tous ceux qui sont intéressés par l'histoire des techniques, des musées et du patrimoine industriel, des questions environnementales liées à l'industrialisation et la désindustrialisation, etc. que l'ICOHTEC (International Committee for the History of Technology) et le TICCIH (International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) organisent une réunion commune à Tampere (Finlande) du 10 au 15 août 2010. Mais les propositions de sessions et d'interventions doivent être soumises AU PLUS TARD le lundi 16 NOVEMBRE 2009.
Vous trouverez tous les renseignements utiles ci-dessous ou sur le site (avec lien ci-dessous)
C'est une excellente occasion de découvrir l'ICOHTEC pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore participé à ses travaux et pour soutenir l'action de rénovation du nouveau comité exécutif qui comprend notamment Pierre Lamard et moi-même (devenu trésorier : vous recevrez prochainement un courrier à ce sujet pour recruter de nouveaux membres) - outre Alexandre Herlea, past president.
Bien cordialement,
Patrice Bret
Trésorier de l'ICOHTEC

CFP Reminder: Reusing the Industrial Past - ICOHTEC/TICCIH Joint
Conference 2010

ICOHTEC & TICCIH Joint Conference 2010

Reusing the Industrial Past
Tampere, Finland
10-15 August 2010

A Joint Conference between the International Committee for the History
of Technology (ICOHTEC) and The International Committee for the
Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH). The International
Association of the Labour Museums (WORKLAB) is a minor partner in the

Deadline for Proposals is 16 November 2009.

Conference language: English

As a joint conference, the primary theme "Reusing the Industrial Past"
is intended to be a broad idea covering various approaches. Clearly,
the industrial past is reused whenever old industrial installations
are renovated or adapted. There have been many attempts to preserve
the most significant aspects of old industrial areas after productive
activity has ceased, by giving them a new viable function. However,
the idea of reusing the industrial past need not stop there.

Old industrial and handicraft technology can also be reintroduced and
reused in manufacturing various products or in explaining how they
work to the public in exhibitions. Various kinds of ?retroproducts?
are now in vogue, while people are looking for alternative
technological solutions for plastics, electronics, concrete,
artificial chemicals and fertilisers. Knowledge of old technologies is
in demand. What technologies do historians suggest could be reused?

Manufacturing still has a strong impact on culture, working habits and
ethics. The industrial past and obsolete technologies are also present
in the way people think and use their language. For instance, ?put the
small pulley on? continues to be used as a metaphor in British English
for speeding up. Similar examples can be found in other languages as
well. For social historians, it would be interesting to discover
practices and ethics of factory work that continue to be used in
offices and shops today. The culture of work seems to change more
slowly than work itself and technology in use.

The conference programme will include scientific and plenary sessions,
poster presentations, business meetings and general assemblies of the
organising societies, excursions, social events such as receptions and
the banquet, and pre- and post-conference trips. The premises of the
University of Tampere and the historical industrial buildings on the
in the City Centrum will serve as
conference venues.

Download Call for Papers as PDF here:

The conference website at
also has more details on the program, keynote speakers, travel, and

Conference Subthemes
In order to make the conference theme as strong as possible, the
programme committees have decided that all papers must fit within one
of the following sub-themes (which must be indicated on the proposal).
The bullet points under the subthemes are simply examples of topics
that fit into the each subtheme. Papers need not deal specifically
with a particular bullet point:

1. Nuts and Bolts Keep on Rolling
- Deindustrialisation and restructuring: Threat or opportunity?
- Stubborn technologies: Resistance to change
- Technological outcasts: Products and solutions rejected by consumers
- Technological comeback: Retroproducts and retrodesign
- Reinventing the industrial past: Innovations that never existed
- Legitimising competitiveness: Political and economic actions to
technological image and performance
- Processes in change: Technology of textile manufacturing and

2. Artefacts and Experiences in Transition: Challenges for Industrial
- Canonisation of the symbols of industrial revolutions
- Living and dead industrial landscapes
- Regeneration through heritage
- Reuse of industrial environments
- Societal aims for the conservation of industrial heritage
- Adapting technology and reforming industrial heritage
- Contested pasts - the heritage of science, technology and industry in
geo-political conflict

3. Social History of Industry
- Reinterpretations of the First Industrial Revolution
- Social history of factory work
- Identities of blue-collar workers and white-collar workers in industry
- People and machines in industrial history
- Masculine machines and female labour: Gender in industry
- Local experiences: changes in work, vanishing employment, emerging
- Twins astray? Labour history and industrial history
- Serfs of looms and slaves of mobile phones

4. Cultural History of Technology
- Emotions and machines: Adored and hated technologies
- Technological optimism and pessimism
- Company cultures: Breaks and continuity
- Ethics of factory work
- Workers? culture: Legitimising hard work
- Long shadow of history: Influence of the industrial past in our
present way of life
- Fossilisation of factory rhetoric in language
- Exploiting images of the industrial past

5. Environmental History of Industrialisation and Deindustrialisation
- Harnessing nature: Environmental exploitation
- Interdependence of energy and mechanisation in the smoke-stack
- Smoke-stack industry as an environmental burden
- Environmental heritage of the First Industrial Revolution
- Environmental consequences of deindustrialisation

6. Museums and Industrial Memories
- Collection policies for the industrial era
- New perspectives for exhibiting industrial heritage
- Challenges for museums in the postindustrial society
- Museum architecture in old factories

7. Posters

8. Others / Special issues
- Open subtheme to any session or paper proposals related to the
history of technology and/or industrial past

Proposal Guidelines
We urge contributors to consider organizing a full session of three or
more papers. Individual paper submissions will, of course, be

Note: Membership of ICOHTEC, TICCIH, or WORKLAB is not required to
participate in the conference.

INDIVIDUAL PAPER proposals must include: (1) a 250-word (maximum)
abstract in English; and (2) a one-page CV. Abstracts should include
the author?s name and email address, a short descriptive title, a
concise statement of the thesis, a brief discussion of the sources,
and a summary of the major conclusions. Please indicate one of the
specified subthemes for your paper.

In preparing your paper, remember that presentations are not full-
length articles. You will have no more than 15-20 minutes to speak ?
depending on the number of speakers in your session ? which is roughly
equivalent to 6-8 double-spaced typed pages. Contributors are
encouraged to submit full-length versions of their papers after the
conference for consideration by ICOHTEC?s journal ICON or TICCIH?s
journal Industrial Patrimony. For more suggestions about preparing
your conference presentation, please consult the guidelines at the
conference web site:

SESSION proposals must include: (1) an abstract of the session (250
words maximum), listing the proposed papers and a session chairperson;
(2) abstracts for each paper (250 words maximum); (3) a one-page CV
for each contributor and chairperson. Sessions should consist of three
or four speakers and may include several sections of three to four
speakers each, which might extend over more than one day. We also
encourage "untraditional" session or roundtable proposals.

POSTER proposals must include (1) a 250-word (maximum) abstract in
English; and (2) a one-page CV. Abstracts should include the author?s
name and email address, a short descriptive title, a concise statement
of the thesis, a brief discussion of the sources, and a summary of the
major conclusions. Please indicate one of the specified subthemes for
your poster.

Proposal submissions
The final deadline for all submissions is Monday 16 November 2009.

Please submit proposals for papers and sessions via the website of the
Tampere conference at

If web access is unavailable, proposals may be sent by fax to ICOHTEC
2010 at: +358 (0) 3 5656 6808. Otherwise they may be sent via regular
mail or courier, postmarked not later than 9 November 2009. The mail
address is:

c/o Museum Centre Vapriikki
PL 487
Alaverstaanraitti 5
33101 Tampere

All questions about the programme proposals should be submitted to the
local organizing committee, icohtecticcih2010 AT Queries
about the conference venue should be made to the same address.

Further information on host organisations
University of Tampere:
Museum Centre Vapriikki:
The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas:
Dr. Stefan Poser
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg
Neuere Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte
Holstenhofweg 85
D-22043 Hamburg
Tel.: +49/40/6541-3192
Fax: +49/40/6541-2084

  • [Athena] URGENT : ICOHTEC 2010, Patrice Bret, 04/11/2009

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