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[Athena] Séminaire HPST 'la sélection naturelle et la prédiction en économie' (N . Beck 09 12 09)
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Jean-François Picard <jean-francois.picard AT>
- To: athena AT
- Subject: [Athena] Séminaire HPST 'la sélection naturelle et la prédiction en économie' (N . Beck 09 12 09)
- Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 17:08:57 +0100
- Mailscanner-null-check: 1260374511.76801@+XQ7m3oTORxs4/nfQbdv/g
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir et d'écouter Naomi BECK de l'Université de Chicago.
Voici le titre ainsi qu'un résumé de sa présentation:
- Titre: Hayek’s evolutionary road to freedom: complex phenomena and economic prediction
- Résumé: "Friedrich A. von Hayek is mainly known for his defence of free market economics. His views on science, and more specifically on the methodological differences between the physical sciences on the one hand, and evolutionary biology and the social sciences on the other, are less well known. Yet Hayek’s defence of the free market relied on these last. He believed that basic misunderstanding of the discipline of economics and the complex phenomena with which it deals produced misconceptions concerning its method and goals, which led in turn to the adoption of dangerous policies. The objective of my talk will be to analyse Hayek’s views on the nature of economics as a scientific discipline akin to evolutionary biology. I will show how his understanding of the data and goal of the social sciences culminated in an analogy that sought to establish economics and evolutionary biology as exemplary complex phenomena sciences. I will also challenge Hayek’s interpretation of this analogy through a comparison with Darwin’s claims, thus opening the door to re-evaluating the contributions of this foremost 20th century thinker."
La séance du séminaire Evo-Eco 2009/2010 se tiendra mercredi 9 décembre à l'IHPST, de 17h00 à 19h (dans la petite salle).
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques
13, rue du Four - 75006 PARIS
- [Athena] Séminaire HPST 'la sélection naturelle et la prédiction en économie' (N . Beck 09 12 09), Jean-François Picard, 02/12/2009
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