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athena - [Athena] Colloque : La neurophysiologie en Europe, Corliano (Italie) 22-26 juin 2010

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[Athena] Colloque : La neurophysiologie en Europe, Corliano (Italie) 22-26 juin 2010

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jean-François PICARD <jean-francois.picard AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] Colloque : La neurophysiologie en Europe, Corliano (Italie) 22-26 juin 2010
  • Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:51:02 +0100
  • Mailscanner-null-check: 1261648268.47219@S1uq04SomBhWLlJPAYJbBw

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You may find the information on the meeting on the History of Physiology organized by Michel Meulders, Marco Piccolino, Nick Wade and Jean-Gaël Barbara at the following web page:

The meeting entitled:
"From Carlo Matteucci to Giuseppe Moruzzi. two centuries
of European physiology"
will be held in the period 22-26 June 2010 in Corliano, near Pisa.

The occasion of the meeting is the first centennial in 2010 of the birth of Giuseppe Moruzzi and, moreover, the forthcoming bicentennial (in 2011) of the birth of Carlo Matteucci.

We hope to see you in Corliano.

Best regards,

Michel Meulders, Marco Piccolino, Nick Wade, Jean-Gaël Barbara

PS: Sorry for the possibility that you might receive more than once a similar message.

Club d'histoire des neurosciences de la Société des Neurosciences
International Society for the History of Neurosciences.
Università di Ferrara.
Università di Pavia - Sistema Museale d’Ateneo.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris.
Université Diderot – Paris.
Organizing Committee:
Jean- Gaël Barbara, Michel Meulders, Marco Piccolino and Nicholas J. Wade.
Invited speakers:
 Jean- Gaël Barbara, Université Pierre et Marie Curie and  Université Diderot, Paris.
Cesira Batini, Centre  National de la Recherche - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris.
Annette Beaumanoir, Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Switzerland.
Marina Bentivoglio, Università di Verona.
Govanni Berlucchi, Università di Verona, Italy.
Anne Boullerne, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Marco Bresadola, Università di Ferrara, Italy.
François Clarac, Université de Provence, France.
Henri Korn, Institut Pasteur, France.
Armando De Palma, Università di Torino.
Helmut KettenmannMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin.
Lamberto Maffei, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
Paolo Mazzarello, Università di Pavia.
Renato Mazzolini, Università di Trento, Italy.
Alexandre Metraux, Universität Mannheim.
Michel Meulders, Université de Louvain, Belgium.
Germana Pareti, Università di Torino.
Marco Piccolino, Università di Ferrara, Italy.
Gianfranco Rossi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy.
Piergiorgio Strata, Università di Torino.
Suzanne Tyc-Dumont, Centre  National de la Recherche, France.
Nicholas J. Wade, University of Dundee, United Kingdom.
Alberto Zanchetti, Università di Milano.

Possible themes of the Meeting:
Culture, science and society in the Risorgimento.
Carlo Matteucci, between France and Italy.
Matteucci and the scientific legacy of Luigi Galvani.
Electric fish research in the nineteenth century Italy.
Johannes Müller and the German school of physiology.
Alexander von Humboldt and animal electricity.
Physics and physiology in the scientific endeavour of Michael Faraday.
Du-Bois Reymond, Hermann and the others: controversies at the origins of modern electrophysiology.
A conservative revolution: Julius Bernstein and the “membrane theory”.
From neurophysiology to neuroanatomy: the transition from Claude Bernard to Louis-Antoine Ranvier.
Morphologic foundations of the modern neurosciences: the functional neuroanatomy of Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal.
Early contributions of the Berlin school to the neuron doctrine.
How the concept of glia evolved.
The great era of English physiology from Francis Gotch to Hodgkin-Huxley.
John Eccles and the electrophysiology at the mid-twentieth century.
The English roots of Italian Physiology.
Moruzzi and the interplay between French and Italian neurophysiology.
The scientific and human personality of Giuseppe Moruzzi.
Brain and consciousness.
Moruzzi and Bremer: a link between Belgian and Italian Neurosciences.
Moruzzi and the anatomy and physiology of sleep.
Giuseppe Moruzzi and the physiology of the cerebellum..
Electrophysiology and neurosurgery: a fruitful interaction.
Moruzzi  as a historian of science.
Call for papers
In this preliminary announcement we invite colleagues wishing to present a talk in Corliano to send short abstract.
The  venue
The meeting will be held in Villa di Corliano, one of the splendid mansions of Tuscany. It was described by Vincenzo Pitti in 1616 as the “most beautiful palace in the neighbours of Pisa”. It is situated within the magnificent scenery of the Monte Pisano (“… monte  per che i Pisan veder Lucca non ponno.” Dante, Inferno, Canto XXIII).  More information concerning the Villa can be found at the following links:

 In addition to the beauty of the Villa and the hospitality of the hosts, the location is particularly apposite for the meeting. Between 1850-1854 it was a temporary residence of Carlo Matteucci, and it was also frequented by Giuseppe Moruzzi in the period of his historical research on Matteucci. During the days of the meeting visits to artistic and historical sites in the region of Pisa and Lucca are planned; these are connected in various ways to Matteucci and Moruzzi.
Pisa has an airport and is well connected with many European cities, also through low-cost flights (Easyjet with Paris, many other cities through Ryanair).
Accommodation and practical information
Limited accommodation is available in Villa di CorlianoThere are hotels in the close vicinity which will apply the special tariff of 40 EU per person, breakfast included.

Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Processus Adaptatifs
Univ. P. & M. Curie, Case 14, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75005, Paris.
Bât. B, 4e étage, porte 405C.
Téléphone : 01 44 27 33 64 / portable 06 09 17 03 12
Laboratoire de recherches historiques et épistémologiques sur les sciences exactes et les institutions scientifiques
Société des Neurosciences / Histoire des Neurosciences
en partenariat avec la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine

  • [Athena] Colloque : La neurophysiologie en Europe, Corliano (Italie) 22-26 juin 2010, Jean-François PICARD, 12/17/2009

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