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[Athena] réseau européen pour la promotion du patrimoine universitaire

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Sébastien Soubiran <s.soubiran AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] réseau européen pour la promotion du patrimoine universitaire
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:21:35 +0100
  • Mailscanner-null-check: 1263896479.3656@eozhGs0KLWX1FuKp7vI8gg

University Heritage: Present and Future
Museum Gustavianum
University of Uppsala, Sweden, 17-20 June 2010


The European Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM would like to announce its
11th annual meeting. UNIVERSEUM invites submissions of papers devoted to
academic heritage in its broadest sense, tangible and intangible, namely the
preservation, study, access and promotion of university collections,
museums, archives, libraries, and buildings of historical and scientific
Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.
The main theme of the conference is University Heritage: Present and
Future, however papers on other topics are welcomed too.

University Heritage: Present and Future
Academic heritage institutions traditional roles are collecting,
preservation, research and teaching. Increasingly, they are expected to
develop public programs and exhibitions as well as to assume a stronger role
in marketing their universitys identity. These roles can pose considerable
challenges. How can we position ourselves within the growing constraints of
generating external funding, creating new audiences and keeping our
institutions identity?

Presentations are limited to 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion.
Please send proposals of no more than 200 words (use the abstract template)
to the email address below before 15 March 2010.
Include a short biography highlighting main research interests (no more than
50 words).
Language: English
Proposals will be reviewed by Universeum 2010 Programme Committee.

Email for proposals & info: universeum AT

More info, abstract template and preliminary programme:


Sébastien Soubiran, Dr
Jardin des Sciences - Université de Strasbourg
7 rue de l'Université, 67000 Strasbourg, France

Tél. : +33 (0) 3 68 85 06 16 / Fax : +33 (0) 3 68 85 06 26

Email : Sebastien.Soubiran AT

  • [Athena] réseau européen pour la promotion du patrimoine universitaire, Sébastien Soubiran, 01/12/2010

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