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athena - [Athena] Appel à contribution : Congr. de l'Association australasienne d'histoire et de philo des sciences, Sydney, juil. 2010

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[Athena] Appel à contribution : Congr. de l'Association australasienne d'histoire et de philo des sciences, Sydney, juil. 2010

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Jean-François PICARD <jean-francois.picard AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] Appel à contribution : Congr. de l'Association australasienne d'histoire et de philo des sciences, Sydney, juil. 2010
  • Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 09:17:41 +0100
  • Mailscanner-null-check: 1265703467.21307@PfoCH43WTgW8PvqTEx5Plg

(Appel à contributions pour le prochain congrès de l’Association Australasienne d’histoire, philosophie et études sociales des sciences)
CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 2010

The next conference of AAHPSSS (the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science) will take place at the University of Sydney, in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (New Law School building), on July 9-11, 2010. Information about accommodation and registration is on the AAHPSSS website at . If you need accommodation you are strongly encouraged to book early as the hotels and hostels will fill up.

The conference will take place immediately after the AAP meeting at UNSW in Sydney (more information at .

Membership in AAHPSSS (now 25 $ yearly, 10 $ for students) allows you to register for the conference at a lower fee. Members register at a cost of 40$ for both days or 20$ / day; non-members register at a cost of 80$ for both days or 40$ /day. Students and unwaged: 20 $ / day or 40 $ / both days. Remember, your membership dues contribute to student bursaries and prizes. Registration information is available on the AAHPSSS website; for further matters concerning payment contact the Treasurer, Dean Rickles, at dean.rickles AT

Student assistance will be available via the Ian Langham Memorial Bursaries, funded by membership fees. Enrolled honours and postgraduate students wishing to apply for an Ian Langham Bursary should submit an abstract as above and indicate that they intend applying for a bursary on the form when submitting their abstract. Bursary applicants will need to provide a full written version of their paper (approx. 3000 words-3500 max.) along with evidence of student status by 31 May 2010 to the Secretary, Charles Wolfe (charles.wolfe AT Criteria for selection of eligible papers include whether they engage scholarly dialogues in the HPS/STS literature, whether they evidence knowledge and appropriate use of HPS/STS methodologies, and that the author is a student enrolled in either an honours or postgraduate program. You must also be able to provide, on request, the written support of your supervisor. Bursaries will be allocated subject to these conditions and the availability of funds (monies are generally distributed according to distance between the home institution and the conference venue).The best student paper will be awarded the Ian Langham Prize at the conference although the AAHPSSS Executive reserves the right not to award the Prize.

Please send electronic submissions either of individual papers, panels (typically 3 speakers, maximum 4), or book sessions to the Secretary, Charles Wolfe, at charles.wolfe AT Mention AAHPSSS 2010 in the email subject heading.

Submissions are due by 31 May 2010; registration must be completed by 15 June 2010; afterwards a late fee of 30$ will be added.

Charles T. Wolfe  Unit for History and Philosophy of Science 
University of Sydney, 437 Carslaw F07  Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 
tel + 61 2 9351 4801, fax + 61 2 9351 4124 charles.wolfe AT 

  • [Athena] Appel à contribution : Congr. de l'Association australasienne d'histoire et de philo des sciences, Sydney, juil. 2010, Jean-François PICARD, 02/02/2010

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