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[Athena] Fwd: XII Universeum Network Meeting - Second announcement and call for papers
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- From: Sébastien Soubiran <s.soubiran AT>
- To: athena AT
- Subject: [Athena] Fwd: XII Universeum Network Meeting - Second announcement and call for papers
- Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:53:46 +0100
- Mailscanner-null-check: 1295978029.28598@6eXFhYSZmYnrXxw3ogvqfA
Début du message réexpédié :
De : Newsletter Universeum <newsletter AT>Date : 13 janvier 2011 21:35:19 HNECÀ : Universeum <newsletter AT>Objet : XII Universeum Network Meeting - Second announcement and call for papersXII UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING
Arranging and rearranging: Planning university heritage for the future
26-29 May 2011
University of Padua, Italy
The European Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM
( announces its 12th annual meeting.
UNIVERSEUM invites submissions of papers on academic heritage in its
broadest sense, tangible and intangible, namely the preservation,
study, access and promotion of university collections, museums,
archives, libraries, botanical gardens, astronomical observatories,
and university buildings of historical, artistic and scientific
The theme of the conference is "Arranging and rearranging: Planning
university heritage for the future", though papers on other topics are
welcomed too.
Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.
"Arranging and rearranging: Planning university heritage for the future"
How should the academic heritage of universities be organized?
There are many models, from the centralized university museum or
archive to the dispersed collections kept by departments or
There are many different ways of organizing academic heritage that may
or may not fit a particular collection or institution.
Visions and objectives of curators, researchers and teachers involved
in academic heritage are often quite different from those of
university administrators and leadership. For both, in many cases,
heritage is intrinsically connected to the question of identity
identity of academic disciplines, identity of local departments, and
the identity of the university. Much is at stake, as recent cuts in
funding and the reorganization of universities across Europe places
many collections at risk.
How can we ensure the preservation, study and interpretation of our
academic heritage?
How can we organize this heritage in ways that can harmoniously
reconcile the needs of contemporary universities with the
specificities and needs of academic heritage?
Paper presentations are limited to 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for
The conference language is English.
Please send abstracts for paper proposals of no more than 200 words
to the email address below **before 15 February 2011*.
Please use abstract template at the conference website
Include a short biography highlighting main research interests (no
more than 50 words).
Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Speakers will
be given notice by 1 March 2011.
More info:
For proposals and inquiries, please contact:
PaduaMeeting2011 AT
Program Committee:
Marta Lourenço, University of Lisbon
Sofia Talas, University of Padua (Chair)
Roland Wittje, University of Regensburg
If you do not wish to receive information from UNIVERSEUM, the European
University Heritage Network, please ask to be removed from the mailing list
to: webmaster AT
Thank you.
Sébastien Soubiran, Dr
en charge de la politique muséale
Jardin des Sciences - Université de Strasbourg
12 rue de l'Université, 67000 Strasbourg, France
TÈl. : +33 (0) 3 68 85 05 17 /
Fax : +33 (0) 3 68 85 04 88
Email : S.Soubiran AT
en charge de la politique muséale
Jardin des Sciences - Université de Strasbourg
12 rue de l'Université, 67000 Strasbourg, France
TÈl. : +33 (0) 3 68 85 05 17 /
Fax : +33 (0) 3 68 85 04 88
Email : S.Soubiran AT
- [Athena] Fwd: XII Universeum Network Meeting - Second announcement and call for papers, Sébastien Soubiran, 01/18/2011
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