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[Athena] Fwd: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Christiane Demeulenaere <christiane.demeulenaere AT>
- To: Diffusion-hist des techniques <athena AT>
- Subject: [Athena] Fwd: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
- Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 23:43:37 +0200
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: christiane.demeulenaere <christiane.demeulenaere AT>
Date: 2012/8/21
Subject: Fwd: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
To: christiane.demeulenaere AT
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 21:33:10 +0200
From: Miguel <incuna AT>
To: TICCIH España España <infoticcih AT>
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From: christiane.demeulenaere <christiane.demeulenaere AT>
Date: 2012/8/21
Subject: Fwd: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
To: christiane.demeulenaere AT
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 21:33:10 +0200
From: Miguel <incuna AT>
To: TICCIH España España <infoticcih AT>
Dear Friends,
We send you an advance of the programme of the 14TH INTERNATIONAL
MEMORIES OF DEVELOPMENT, which will be celebrated beside the 2nd Red
Conpadre 2012 Conference (International Conference about Heritage
and Regional Development) in Gijón (Asturias- Spain) from the 26th
to the 30th of September 2012.
Until the date, more than 180 people from 15 different countries
have been enrolled (Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany,
Sweden,Mexico, Poland, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador,
Uruguay, Chile ) with the presentation of more than 100 papers,
communications and posters. We are still receiving inscriptions to
the Conference and people from different countries, with a wide
investigation field and purposes, showing in a reliable way the
advances and work lines in the study, conservation and valuation of
projects on Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes to
international scale.
We request to book for the complementary activities to the
Conference, especially for the 29th of September excursion, because
the seats are limited and we have to confirm the transport in
advance. We will visit Asturias and Leon landscapes, with guide
visits to the National Museum of Energy in Ponferrada (El Bierzo),
one of the representative place on Industrial Heritage that we have
chosen in TICCIH-Spain, and we will also visit other equipments and
interventions in Heritage Resources and Local Development projects.
On Sunday the 30th of September is possible to do the “Cider
Route” around Gijón urban area, with a pour out cider course
included. The rules and dates to present papers and materials are
explained in the attached documents. It’s very important to follow
the rules, because we edit a book with materials of all the
Conference which will be delivered to the assistants.
For the edition of “The eyes of the Memory” collection’s book,
it requires technical requirements included in the rules included in
the attached program.
We request the power point files not to have more than 10 or 12
images and less than 12 mb of capacity. It’s obligatory to have it
in the first week of September for an effective and efficient
organisation of the work sessions. This year it will have colloquium
and discussion sessions. The rules to make questions will be
adjusted to a possible protocol to make the sessions more agile and
motivate the participation.
We will carry out in the 14th Conference a tribute to our dear
partner Laura Ofelia Amarilla, participant in Red Conpadreand
President of TICCIH-Argentina, whose decease have caused us a big
sorrow and sadness.
We will show “The eyes of the Memory” collection’s book,
volume 13, result of the previous year Conference with the work of
Laura Amarilla, which participated in that conference, and her
memory will be unforgettable.
The 31st of August, is the deadline to send photography to our 9th
Contest and exhibition, reminding to possible interested this
circumstance. (Contact for more information: Carmen Diaz
info AT [1])
We are to our disposition to any kind of information, support and
accommodation logistic, reminding that it’s very important for us
to know the arrival day and the way of transport chosen to
facilitate assistance. For accommodations and hotels we can assist
us with tariffs, being convenient to say us the place where you will
be accommodated to inform you.
More information in our web: [2]
For any management you can call or write to:
Irene García
Technical Secretary INCUNA
incuna AT [3]
Telephone/ Fax: 00 34 985319385
C/ La Muralla Nº3 Entresuelo
Zip Code 33202 Gijón (Asturias)
Spain [4]
We are waiting to share these days with you and advance also
projects, ideas and new future challenges.
Best regards.
Miguel Ángel Álvarez Areces
incuna AT [5]
President of INCUNA
and 14th International Conference of Industrial Heritage member of
the Organizer Committee.
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Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère
75020 Paris
XIV Jornadas INCUNA 2012 PROGRAM.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: Adobe PDF document
- [Athena] Fwd: INCUNA 2012 programme of the 14th International Conference about Industrial Heritage and Cultural landscapes, Christiane Demeulenaere, 21/08/2012
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