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athena - [Athena] Call for papers

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Objet : Histoire des techniques

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[Athena] Call for papers

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Valerie Negre <valerie-negre AT>
  • To: ATHENA <athena AT>
  • Subject: [Athena] Call for papers
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:31:47 +0100


Veuillez trouver le message suivant de la part des organisateurs du prochain European Architectural History Network,


Valérie Nègre

Dear colleagues,
The call for sessions of the Third EAHN meeting that will be hosted at the Politecnico di Torino between 20th and 22nd June 2014, has just been published ( 

We invite you to participate and submit proposals, reminding you that the quality of the conference and its success will firstly depend upon the quality and variety of themes and sessions. In this perspective, in order to ensure that the widest possible spectrum of approaches to architectural history will be covered,  the board has decided to leave the choice of themes and periods completely open to candidates. 

Michela Rosso

  • [Athena] Call for papers, Valerie Negre, 21/11/2012

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