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- From: isabelle.astic AT
- To: musee.informatique AT, athena AT, theuth AT
- Subject: [Athena] [Fwd: CFP (updated): Born Digital and Cultural Heritage]
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:32:00 +0200
- Importance: Normal
Pour information,
Isabelle Astic
------------------------------ Message original ------------------------------
Objet: CFP (updated): Born Digital and Cultural Heritage
De: "Melanie Swalwell" <melanie.swalwell AT>
Date: Mar 22 octobre 2013 8:29
À: "Melanie Swalwell" <melanie.swalwell AT>
Dear colleagues,
Please forgive the mass email. I am writing to bring to your attention a call
for papers for a conference on the Born Digital and Cultural Heritage, next
June in Melbourne. This is a conference that the "Play It Again" game history
and preservation team -- which I lead -- is convening. I would very much
appreciate your assistance with dissemination to relevant networks. I'm
hoping this might be of interest to you and that you will consider
participating. As the CFP says, we are keen to receive proposals from a range
of perspectives, including practitioners, theorists, historians, cultural
heritage professionals, etc.
Here are our social media contacts, should that be your preferred sharing
Twitter: @AgainPlay
Many thanks.
CFP: The Born Digital and Cultural Heritage, 19-20 June, 2014, Melbourne
Online at
The CFP has recently been updated to include information on an optional
technical proceedings, for people who would like to pursue this ahead of the
conference. We are also excited to announce Henry Lowood as a confirmed
keynote speaker. Read his speaker profile at
Whilst many artefacts today are produced, distributed and consumed solely in
digital form, this situation is not completely new. Artefacts from previous
eras have also been born digital. The advent of micro- or home computers in
the mid-1970s and 80s, for instance, saw a range of digital artefacts
produced, amongst them digital games, demos, and other early software. These
objects are complex and interesting as are the preservation challenges they
pose. To issues of hardware and software deterioration are added
characteristics such as real-time responsiveness, highly-invested fan
communities, and the earliness with which decisions about significance and
preservation strategies must be arrived at. Games preservation is emerging as
an experimental domain where some of the thorniest issues in born digital
cultural heritage are confronted. No longer a niche endeavour limited to
those who played titles back in the day, developments in games preservation
and related fields are of relevance to many different cultural forms, their
scholars and custodians. Playability also creates interest in and enlivens
the preservation message, making it easier for non-specialists to grasp.
We invite proposals for papers, panels, and workshops for an international
conference on The Born Digital and Cultural Heritage, to be held at the
Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne, 19-20 June, 2014.
Recognising that born digital artefacts often require multiple sets of
expertise, we are keen to receive proposals from researchers and practitioners
in the range of disciplines, spheres of practice and institutional contexts
concerned with born digital heritage. This includes libraries, archives,
museums, galleries, moving image institutions, software repositories,
universities, and more besides. Proposals might be theoretical, practical,
policy, or otherwise oriented. Case studies of innovative practices, papers
based on research with born digital artefacts, and new institutional
approaches are equally welcome.
Possible topics include:
· Born digital histories
· Born digital items as cultural heritage
· Changing notions of the collection
· Vernacular digitality
· Selection, appraisal, deposit
· Jurisdictions, overlaps, gaps
· Resourcing, funding, partnerships
· Archiving of media arts, architecture, broadcasting, etc
· Relation of born digital preservation to digitisation programs
· Inter-agency cooperation, federations and networks
· Models of collaboration, outside experts, volunteers
· Access and exhibition
· Legal issues, intellectual property, orphaned works, legal deposit
· Workforce, capacity building, training
· New preservation and conservation techniques
· Case Studies and Best Practices: Processes, Metadata, Systems,
Services, Infrastructures
We hope you will join us to engage with research and practice in those fields
which underpin such critically important matters as the accessibility of born
digital cultural heritage, now and into the future.
This conference is organised by the Play It Again team, a games history and
preservation research project focused on microcomputer games created in 1980s
Australia and New Zealand. Play It Again is a multidisciplinary project
involving scholars from Humanities, Computer Science, and Law from several
Australian and New Zealand universities, working collaboratively with
cultural heritage professionals at the Australian Centre for the Moving
Image, the New Zealand Film Archive, and the Berlin Computerspiele Museum.
Play It Again received 3 year project funding (2012-14) under the Australian
Research Councils Linkage Projects scheme.
There will be a separate cultural sector workshop on the 18th June at
Melbourne University, at which the Play It Again team will be sharing some of
the learning from the project.
To propose a paper, please send an abstract of 300 words, plus keywords and
references, and a brief author biography to playitagain AT
Abstracts are due 15 November, 2013.
Publication: It is anticipated that there will be at least one publication
following the conference. Authors who would like their full conference paper
to be considered for publication in a proceedings before the conference in
the Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology series
must follow a separate set of timelines and processes during the Call for
Papers period.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2013
Paper submission deadline: 29 November 2013
Author notification: 28 February 2014
Camera-ready paper due: 4 April 2014
Instructions for Authors (for the CRPIT Proceedings only): Papers should be no
more than 10 pages in length, and conform to the formatting instructions for
the Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology series.
Resources for authors:
Each paper will undergo double-blind review by at least two reviewers. Papers
will be judged on originality, significance, technical quality, and relevance
to the conference. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of The
Born Digital and Cultural Heritage conference, to be published by the
Australian Computer Society in the Conferences in Research and Practice in
Information Technology series Submission of a paper will be
regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one
author will attend the conference to present the work. The proceedings are
included in the ACM digital library and indexed on Scopus and DBLP.
- [Athena] [Fwd: CFP (updated): Born Digital and Cultural Heritage], isabelle . astic, 25/10/2013
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