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[Athena] Academic Entrepreneurship in History

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  • From: Gabriel Galvez-Behar <gabriel.galvez-behar AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [Athena] Academic Entrepreneurship in History
  • Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:16:23 +0100
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Voici une annonce tardive de colloque.


Gabriel Galvez-Behar

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The Departments of History of Universiteit Gent, Université libre de
Bruxelles, Université Lille 3 and Università di Bologna are jointly
organizing the conference “Academic entrepreneurship in history” on
12-13 March 2015 at the STAM city museum in Ghent, Belgium.

The meeting will bring together an international group of scholars
engaged in research on the notion and practice of academic
entrepreneurship from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the
twentieth century.

Thursday 12 March

10.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction

Kenneth Bertrams, Université libre de Bruxelles: “Academic
Entrepreneurship in History”

10.15-11.30 Institutional entrepreneurship. Part 1

Thomas Brandt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: “Building
an Infrastructure for Industrial Research in Interwar Norway – Academic
Entrepreneurship from Science Funds and Industry Laboratories to
Research Councils”

Giovanni Paoloni and Giovanni Battimelli, Sapienza University of Rome:
“University, Industry and Politics: Orso Mario Corbino as Organizer of
Physical Research in Italy (1908-1937)”

11.30 –11.45 Coffee break

11.45-1.00 Institutional entrepreneurship. Part 2

Giovanni Favero, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice: “Corrado Gini as an
Academic Entrepreneur: Scientific Conflict and Stakeholder Mobilization”

Berris Charnley, University of Oxford: “Agricultural Science and
Entrepreneurialism in Britain and the Colonial West Indies, 1880-1930”

1.00-2.30 Lunch

2.30-3.45 Commercial entrepreneurship. Part 1

Joris Mercelis, Ghent University: “Two Sides of the Same Coin? The
Commercialization and Institutionalization of Academic Photography in
Europe and the United States, c.1860-1930”

Wolfgang König, Technical University of Berlin: “Engineering Professors
as Entrepreneurs. The Case of Franz Reuleaux (1829-1905) and Alois
Riedler (1850-1936)”

3.45-4.00 Coffee break

4.00-5.15 Commercial entrepreneurship. Part 2

Shaul Katzir, Tel Aviv University: “Technological Entrepreneurship from
Patenting to Commercializing”

Anna Guagnini, University of Bologna: “Ivory Towers? The Commercial
Activity of British Professors of Physics and Engineering, 1880-1914”

5.15-6.00 Keynote lecture 1

Mirjam Knockaert, Ghent University: “Enhancing an Entrepreneurial
Attitude at European Universities”
Friday 13 March

9.00-10.15 Commercial entrepreneurship. Part 3

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, CNRS & Université Paris-Sorbonne: “Building a New
Technoscience: Scientific Entrepreneurs in Computing in French Higher
Education (1950-2000)”

Brian Dick, Life Sciences Foundation: “From Genetic Engineers to Genetic
Entrepreneurs: Biogen, Scientific Entrepreneurship and the
Commercialization of Molecular Biology”

10.15-10.30 Coffee break

10.30-12.15 Entrepreneurial institutions and partnerships. Part 1

Robert Kargon, Johns Hopkins University: “The Entrepreneurial
University: Refashioning the American University after 1950″

Cyrus Mody, Rice University: “The University Center as Industrial
Consortium: US Academic Microelectronics Research in the 1980s and 1990s”

Christophe Lécuyer, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris:
“Semiconductor Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Three University of
California Campuses”

12.15-1.45 Lunch

1.45-3.00 Entrepreneurial institutions and partnerships. Part 2

Ellan Spero, MIT and Singapore University of Technology and Design:
“‘Science in Action:’ the Origin of an Academic-Industrial Partnership”

Gabriel Galvez-Behar, Université Lille 3: “Managing Scientific Patenting
in French Research Organizations During the Interwar Period”

3.00 -3.15 Coffee break

3.15-4.00 Keynote lecture 2

Daniel Wadhwani, University of the Pacific: “Historical Approaches to
Entrepreneurship Research”

4.00-5.00 Final discussion

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  • [Athena] Academic Entrepreneurship in History, Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 03/10/2015

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