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- From: dymfau2 <dymfau2 AT>
- To: athena <athena AT>
- Subject: [Athena] séminaire Histoire de la Lumière - A. Shapiro - ENS 27 mai
- Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 17:07:04 +0200 (CEST)
Séance du Mercredi 27 mai 2015, ,
Ce séminaire se tiendra exceptionnellement salle Weil
ENS, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris de 14h30-16h
La théorie des couleurs (II)
Alan SHAPIRO (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Newton's Assessment of Experimental Evidence
in his Optical Investigations
Alexandre Koyré long ago observed that Newton's aim was "to abolish the world of 'more or less'" for a "universe of precision, of exact measures, of strict determination," but this view—echoed with some modification by others—is based on the celestial mechanics of the Principia. It applies to Newton's optical work only with some restrictions. Newton's initial and arguably most significant contribution to optics, his theory of white light and color, was largely based on qualitative experiments, and even when he made measurements, they played little role in the development of his theory. In other areas of his optical research, such as the colors of thin and thick plates, he did skillfully apply experimental measurements, but they were not always in a world of "exact measure." For one important result Newton used averages—then mathematically unjustified—and he then hid their use from readers; and for some others he presented his measurements as a range of values rather than the standard "best" single value. I intend to describe how Newton evaluated experiments, what he considered acceptable error, and how he attempted to minimize error. This will involve looking at other areas like astronomy and mechanics.
Pour tout renseignement voir :
Contact : arnaud.mayrargue AT
- [Athena] séminaire Histoire de la Lumière - A. Shapiro - ENS 27 mai, dymfau2, 11/05/2015
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