2016 Call for Post-doctoral Research Grants
Five (5) post-doctoral positions are available at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Society (ifris.org).
IFRIS welcomes science, technology and society scholars in all social science disciplines: history, sociology, political sciences, anthropology, economics, management sciences or law. See the list of projects funded by IFRIS to date for your information. Selected candidates will be attached to one of the following IFRIS research units (name and acronym are followed by the scientific organisation to which the unit is attached). See the website links for more details on these units.
- Centre Alexandre Koyré (CAK), CNRS, EHESS, Muséum
- Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES3) CNRS, INSERM, EHESS Université Paris Descartes
- Centre d’Economie de Paris Nord (CEPN), Université Paris 13, CNRS
- Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Science de l’Action (LIRSA), CNAM
- Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique (LISE), CNAM
- Histoire des Technosciences en Société (H2TS), CNAM
- Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS), INRA, UPEM, CNRS, ESIEE, ENPC
- Centre Population et développement (CEPED), IRD, Université Paris Descartes
- Patrimoines locaux et gouvernance (PALOC), IRD, Muséum
- Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires, Sociétés (LATTS), UPE, Ecole des Ponts, CNRS
Please visit IFRIS website for practical information.Selection criteria - Quality of the research project
- Relevance in relation to IFRIS agenda
- Potential of the topic to favour the integration of the candidate to the hosting research group
- Quality of the candidate’s academic and research trajectory
Useful datesDeadline: March 15th, 2016 - December 16th, 2015: Launch of the call - March 15th, 2016: Receipt of proposals - June 15th, 2016: Acceptance decision sent to the candidates |