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athena - [ATHENA] appel à communication pour l'EAA à Vilnius, "fueling crafts and ndustries", date butoir le 15 février

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[ATHENA] appel à communication pour l'EAA à Vilnius, "fueling crafts and ndustries", date butoir le 15 février

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: "Danielle Deroin" (Danielle.Arribet AT via athena Mailing List) <athena AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [ATHENA] appel à communication pour l'EAA à Vilnius, "fueling crafts and ndustries", date butoir le 15 février
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 23:11:38 +0100

Chers collègues,

Une des sessions du congrès de l'EAA (European association of Archaeologists) qui aura lieu à Vilnius du 30 août au 4 septembre 2016 portera sur le thème suivant : "Fueling crafts and industries in medieval and post-medieval Europe". Elle est organisée par Sylvain Burri, Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet et Susanne Klemm et moi-même.
En voici des liens vers les attendus de cette session (copiés dans le message, ci-dessous) et vers la thématique d'ensemble :

La date butoir pour proposer une contribution est fixée au 15 février 2016.

Bien cordialement.
Danielle Arribet-Deroin

Fueling crafts and industries in medieval and post-medieval Europe

Author - Burri, Sylvain, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Aix-en-Provence, France (Presenting author)
Co-author(s) - Paradis-Grenouillet, Sandrine Università degli studi di Padova, Padua, Italy
Co-author(s) - Arribet-Deroin, Danielle, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France
Co-author(s) - Klemm, Susanne, Archaeology & Communication, Vienna, Austria
Topic - Archaeology without borders
Keywords: craft and proto-industry, fuel, natural resources

Fuel supply is a critical element in the development of crafts and proto-industry in medieval and post medieval Europe. Significant quantities of fuel are needed for activities such as metal production and metal working, brick and tile manufacture, ceramics, lime burning, tanning and dyeing, glass production, soap making, processing of salt, sugar and other products. Plant resources (firewood, charcoal, straw&#8230;) are the main fuel resources until coal appears in Northern Europe in the XIIth century. However, the use of coal remains limited and very unevenly distributed between regions until the XVIIth century. As the use of mineral fuel becomes more widespread in Europe, the role of forest changes, since when charcoal production decreases, less wood is needed. At the same time, mining of fossil coal also has a heavy impact on the landscape. Supply strategies are based on complex political and socio-economic relationships (regulation, control, agreements) between industrial areas and their hinterlands, leading to supply and transportation networks by land, river and sea. Fuel supply is a specific economic market involving a large range of actors (woodcutters, miners, fuel sellers, fuel dealers, and clients). The increase in demand for fuel impacts the availability of resources and sometimes leads to environmental crises. Societies must adapt by changing the type of fuel used or by adopting different resource management strategies.
Until now, research has been conducted according to discipline (history/archaeology/paleobotany), geographical situation (Mediterranean/Continental or Northern Europe) or theme (plant fuel/mineral fuel). This lack of a multidisciplinary approach has held back the development of global research on fuel supply strategies. This session aims to gather researchers from different disciplines in order to provide a comprehensive overview of fuel supply in medieval and postmedieval crafts and industries, from acquisition to consumption of raw materials, in economic, technical and social dimensions.

Presentation Preference - Regular session (half day)

  • [ATHENA] appel à communication pour l'EAA à Vilnius, "fueling crafts and ndustries", date butoir le 15 février, Danielle Deroin, 11/01/2016

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