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[ATHENA] "The politics of Star Wars: Thatcher and the UK and European contexts of the Strategic Defense Initiative", Jon Agar, séminaire HSHI
Chronological Thread
- From: "Arielle Haakenstad" (labex-ehne1 AT via athena Mailing List) <athena AT>
- To: athena AT
- Subject: [ATHENA] "The politics of Star Wars: Thatcher and the UK and European contexts of the Strategic Defense Initiative", Jon Agar, séminaire HSHI
- Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 11:16:03 +0200
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Chers collègues,
Jon Agar,
University College London
interviendra sur
The politics of Star Wars: Thatcher and the UK and European contexts of the Strategic Defense Initiative
dans le cadre du séminaire
Histoire des sciences, histoire de l'innovation
(Université Paris
Sorbonne, UPMC, LabEx EHNE)
le jeudi 14 avril à 17h00
dans la salle de conférence de l’Institut des sciences de la
communication (ISCC)
20 rue
Berbier-du-Mets, Paris 13°, M° Gobelins.
When Ronald Reagan announced his Strategic Defense Initiative (also known as "Star Wars") on 23 March 1983, European leaders were faced with several questions. First, there was uncertainty about just what kinds of technology Reagan might be envisaging. Second, there was the question about whether to support the American President despite strong scepticism about the feasibility and wisdom of the initiative. Third, there was a question concerning the likely sources of innovation and potential spin-off from research and development. This talk examines new archival evidence from the UK National Archives and discusses how UK politicians, in conversation and competition with European leaders, responded to SDI, focussing in particular on the politics of research funding.
Prochaines séances :
3 mai (attention
séance exceptionnellement le mardi)
Thomas Thwaites,
Making a toaster, becoming a goat,
policing with bees… Doing design projects about science and
12 mai
Catherine Radtka, (CNES/ISCC)
Mettre en pratique un engouement pour
l'espace : les constructions de fusées en amateur dans la France des années
Bien cordialement
Laboratoire d'excellence EHNE Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe
Coordinatrice axe 1 " L’Europe comme produit de la civilisation matérielle : l'Europe des flux "
labex-ehne1 AT
Université Paris-Sorbonne
Institut des sciences de la communication (ISCC)
20 rue Berbier du Mets
75013 Paris
+33 (0)1 58 52 17 85
- [ATHENA] "The politics of Star Wars: Thatcher and the UK and European contexts of the Strategic Defense Initiative", Jon Agar, séminaire HSHI, Arielle Haakenstad, 04/08/2016
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