Rails et histoire / French Railway Historical Society - 9, rue du Château-Landon, F-75010 PARIS - Tél. / Phone: +33(0)1 5820 51 01 - Fax: +33(0)1 5820 5189 - contact AT ahicf.com - http://www.ahicf.com/ Rejoignez-nous :   
De : T2M Association [mailto:secretary=t2m.org AT mail13.suw15.mcsv.net] De la part de T2M Association Envoyé : samedi 18 février 2017 16:29 À : listes AT ahicf.com Objet : CfP 'Mobile Utopia" Cemore/T2M/Cosmobilities – Joint Conference | | Call for ParticipationMobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents FuturesCemore | T2M | Cosmobilities Conference 2-5 November 2017, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University Recognising the global uncertainties of the Anthropocene, we invite reflections on utopia (and dystopia) that explore how societies shape, and have been shaped by, complex im|mobilities, from microbial to big data mobilities, from horse-drawn carriages to driverless cars, from migration to planetary jet streams. This joint Cemore | T2M | Cosmobilities conference will bring together historians, researchers, artists, policy-makers, designers, and innovators to explore Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures. The Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University, the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) and the Cosmobilities Network have joined together to invite contributions across the spectrum of mobile utopian themes. We invite proposals deploying utopia as a heuristic and creative methodology – rather than as a narrative closed system – which challenges our assumptions about what has been possible in the past and what will be possible and preferable in the future. We welcome reflections from any city, country or place, in relation to any theme, scale, or period in history. In addition, proposals may address any aspect of the history, and social, cultural, economic, technological, ecological and political aspects of the diverse dimensions of im|mobility. Proposals are encouraged to use a range of formats, academic, creative and otherwise, as outlined in the call for papers. We welcome contributions from any academic perspective or discipline, as well as contributions by artists, professionals, policy makers and practitioners. Recent entrants to the research field and doctoral students are especially welcome, with reduced rates and travel bursaries available in some cases. We look forward to welcoming you in Lancaster. The Programme Committee Chairs: Monika Büscher, Carlos López Galviz Malene Freudendal-Pedersen Pennie Drinkall Julia Hildebrand Sven Kesselring Mimi Sheller Jen Southern |
| Call for ArtistsExhibition opportunity at International Mobilities conference: Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures. The Mobile Utopia conference at Lancaster University (November 2017) will include an exhibition of artworks and a catalogue, offering the opportunity to explore and promote artists contribution to the field. Further details of the conference themes are in the call below. A limited number of bursaries are available for exhibiting artists to attend the conference if not in full time acacemic posts.
Mobilities research takes place across multiple disciplines and uses movement as a methodological, critical and theoretical lens to ask how people, things, materials, data, media and communications are mobile and immobile. In parallel a ‘mobilities turn’ can be identified in art practices that include (but are not exclusive to): walking, cycling, driving, shipping, flight, human and animal migrations, global networks, flows of information, social media, biological contagion, tracking, mail art, virtual worlds, locative media, travel, kinetics, robotics and mobile devices.
We welcome abstracts from artists working with mobility or movement in any media. We look forward to hearing from you,
The Exhibition Organisers Jen Southern, Emma Rose, Linda O’Keeffe Please contact j.a.southern AT lancaster.ac.uk at Cemore with questions related to the exhibition. |
Copyright © 2017 International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic & Mobility, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: Center for Mobilities Research and Policy Drexel University 3600 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA |