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athena - [ATHENA] Elisa Grimi aux Grandes conférences des Archives Poincaré : mercredi 29 mars 2017, 17h-19h

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[ATHENA] Elisa Grimi aux Grandes conférences des Archives Poincaré : mercredi 29 mars 2017, 17h-19h

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Laurent Rollet" (laurent.rollet AT <athena AT>
  • To: athena AT
  • Subject: [ATHENA] Elisa Grimi aux Grandes conférences des Archives Poincaré : mercredi 29 mars 2017, 17h-19h
  • Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 20:57:57 +0200


La sixième Grande Conférence des Archives Henri Poincaré se déroulera le mercredi 29 mars prochain, de 17h00 à 19h00, dans la salle internationale de la MSH Lorraine (91 Avenue de la Libération, Nancy, troisième étage, salle 324).

Veuillez noter qu'en raison du plan Vigipirate il est impératif d'entrer dans le bâtiment avant 16h30 et de s'enregistrer auprès de l'accueil.

Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Elisa Grimi
(Executive-Director of the European Society for Moral Philosophy) pour une conférence intitulée :

"The Banality of Goodness. Christianism and Europe Today"


During the last decades we have witnessed on beside of Catholics a strong invitation to dialogue, to open up to otherness, to a global culture, to an international society. Such invitation has been often taken as legitimate and welcome. Nevertheless the echo of such exhortation has often dimed its very origin: dialogue in Europe has become almost fashionable for which it is possible to take the symbol of the cross away from the classrooms, assign custody of children to couples of the same sex, decide of life and death of living beings as if such life or death were so nominated as something well known. If the wind of renewal has brought a relevant progress at a social level, maybe we should pay some attention to what “renewal” is exactly, thanks to what the old may become new. Europe is characterized for its romanity and refers to an origin other than itself. Roman culture, to use an image of Rémi Brague, is like an aqueduct, unthinkable without a is set between two points, a mountain and a valley, it recovers the old and conducts to the new. He writes: «With reference to Europe (...), there is a trait, which may be exclusive, that it may claim by right, and is, in any case, what nobody denies as its own. It is Romanity. Or, more precisely Latinity. “Romanity” was claimed before: first by Byzantium, as continuation of the Roman Empire of the Orient, and “second Roma”, then by Moscow, also claiming the title of “third Rome”. It was claimed also by the Ottoman Empire, with the sultan of Istanbul who demanded, with the title of “Sultan of Rome” to be the heir of the won over emperors of Constantinople. But no one except Europe wanted to have anything to do with Latinity». The Latin culture in this sense would be the main trait characterizing Europe, its proper to both Greek and Jewish, from which derives its name. Turning to look at the European situation, it is difficult to find a reference to Athens and Jerusalem. The secondarity of the Roman culture compared to the Jewish and Greek one seems to have faded over the centuries. As title of numerous recent studies in philosophical and sociological fields appears the word “secularization”, a real and true process that would sweep away and transform western societies. In this brief talk I will analyze the transformation of Europe and the role of the Christian tradition.

Les Grandes conférences sont organisées par les Archives Henri Poincaré, le Département de Philosophie de l'Université de Lorraine à Nancy, la Maison des sciences de l'homme Lorraine et l'Institut universitaire de France.

Le programme mis à jour est disponible sur le site des Archives Henri Poincaré.

Bien cordialement.

Laurent Rollet

Laurent Rollet
Université de Lorraine
Ecole nationale supérieure en génie des systèmes et de l'innovation
LHSP-Archives Henri Poincaré (UMR CNRS 7117)


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