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athena - [ATHENA] FPMW9 - MathObRe, Oct 4 - 7, Nancy: program

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[ATHENA] FPMW9 - MathObRe, Oct 4 - 7, Nancy: program

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Baptiste Mélès (baptiste.meles AT <athena AT>
  • To: athena AT, educasup.philo AT
  • Cc: Valeria Giardino <valeria.giardino AT>, Gerhard Heinzmann <gerhard.heinzmann AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] FPMW9 - MathObRe, Oct 4 - 7, Nancy: program
  • Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 13:20:30 +0200
  • Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)

(Version française à l'adresse

Dear colleagues,

The Ninth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop is the ninth edition
of a yearly conference in Philosophy of Mathematics organized by a group
of French and International researchers, both philosophers and
mathematicians, and sponsored by a Research Group on Philosophy of
mathematics (GDR 3719 ) funded by the French National Center for
Scientific Research (CNRS) directed by Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz
(SPHERE, Paris 7). This research group has the objective of promoting
and federating French researches in philosophy of mathematics.

The three-day conference will be held from Thursday October 5 to
Saturday October 7, 2017 at the Archives Henri Poincaré in Nancy. FPMW 9
will be preceded by the closing conference of the ANR-DFG research
project MathObRe (, which will
be held on October 4 from 10.15 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the same place.

The registration fee to the conference is of 20€, all lunches and the
Gala dinner are included. Please register before September 30, 2017. For
more information, see

Mathematics: Objectivity by Representation. Final Conference ANR/DFG

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017

Room: Salle Internationale, 3rd floor

10h15-11h15 Marianna Antonutti Marfori (Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy), De Re Knowledge in Mathematics

11h15-12h15 Cyrille Imbert (CNRS/LHSP-AHP), Philosophy in practice,
problem complexity and hard instances: Some foundational work for
philosophers of mathematics

12H15-13h30 Lunch Break

13h30-14h30 Danielle Macbeth (Haverford College), Formal Proof in
Mathematical Practice

14h30-15h30 Irina Starikova (University of São Paulo), Visual Impact on
Spatial Reasoning in Mathematics

15h30-16h00 Break

16h00-17h00 Casper Storm Hansen (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute), Do
the roads to the higher infinite lead anywhere?

17h00-17h30 Break

17h30-18h30 Marco Panza (CNRS/IHPST) (Skype conference: Campus Lettres,
Room A 104), Frege was non Logicist

20h00 Dinner for speakers

9th French PhilMath Workshop (FPMW)

Thursday, Oct 5, 2017

Room: Salle Internationale, 3rd floor


9h30-10h15 Registration — Coffee

10h15-10h30 Welcoming of Participants

10h30-12h00 David Rabouin (CNRS/SPHERE), Representation vs projection:
two views on the nature of mathematical knowledge

12h00-13h30 Markus Pantsar (University of Helsinki), Cognitive
complexity and mathematical problem solving

13h30-14h45 Lunch


14h45-16h15 Yves André (CNRS/ Institut des Mathématiques Jussieu-Paris
Rive Gauche), Virtual temporality of geometric objects. (Around the
Ricci flow).

16h15-16h30 Break

16h30-18h00 Laura Crosilla (University of Birmingham, UK), Weyl, sets
and arithmetical properties

20h00 Dinner for speakers

Friday, Oct 6, 2017

Room: Salle Internationale, 3rd floor


9h30-11h00 Sylvia Pauw (University of Amsterdam/Ghent University),
Deducing false propositions from true ideas: Nieuwentijt on mathematical

11h00-11h15 Break

11h15-12h45 Hannes Leitgeb (University of Munich), Semantic
Indeterminacy, Classical Mathematics, and the Sorites

12h45-14h00 Lunch


14h00-15h30 Joan Bertran-San Millán (The Czech Academy of Sciences),
Frege's Begriffsschrift and logicism

15h30-17h00 Vincenzo de Risi (Max Planck Institute for the History of
Science), The Axiomatization of Space in the Early Modern Age

17h00-17h15 Break

17h15-19h00 Organization of the FPMW 10, 2018

20h00 Gala dinner

Saturday, Oct 7, 2017

Campus Lettres, Room G04!!


9h30-11h00 Mirna Dzamonja (East Anglia Univ., Norwich/IHPST, Paris 1),
Set theory and univalent foundations and their relative positions in the
foundations of mathematics

11h00-11h15 Break

11h15-12h45 Yacin Hamami (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) (joint work with
Rebecca Morris, Stanford University), Rationality in Mathematical Proofs

Baptiste Mélès
CNRS (Chargé de recherche / Research Fellow)
Archives Henri-Poincaré (UMR 7117), 91 av. de la Libération, F-54000 Nancy
Université de Lorraine
/Philosophia Scientiæ/ (Rédacteur en chef adjoint / Managing editor)

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  • [ATHENA] FPMW9 - MathObRe, Oct 4 - 7, Nancy: program, baptiste.meles AT, 06/09/2017

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