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[ATHENA] (parution) Advancements in the Philosophy of Design

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Stéphane Vial <vial.stephane AT>
  • To: Theuth <theuth AT>, "athena AT" <athena AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] (parution) Advancements in the Philosophy of Design
  • Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 05:29:58 +0000
  • Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)

Chères toutes et tous, 

L’ouvrage collectif international Advancements in the Philosophy of Design vient de paraître chez Springer, sous la direction de Pieter Vermaas (Delft University of Technology, Pays-Bas) et Stéphane Vial (Université de Nîmes, France), dans la nouvelle collection « Design Research Foundations ».

Issu d'un appel à contributions lancé en 2015 lors du 11e colloque de la European Academy of Design (EAD) à Paris, ce volume de 564 pages et 61 illustrations propose 25 essais de philosophie du design, rédigés par des auteur·e·s du monde entier. Il se fonde sur l’hypothèse que la philosophie du design est un champ de recherche nouveau qui mérite de se développer comme tel. Certains chapitres abordent des enjeux philosophiques qui émergent aujourd’hui en design (p. ex. le rôle du design dans le changement social) tandis que d’autres analysent des questions philosophiques classiques au sein desquelles le design trouve sa place (p. ex. l’abduction ou l’esthétique). Les champs du design couverts sont très variés, allant du design de produits au design d’intérieur en passant par le design graphique ou le design d’expositions. Les perspectives abordées sont épistémologiques, phénoménologiques, politiques ou écologiques.

Table des matières et lecture en ligne :

L’ouvrage sera présenté en juin prochain, en présence des auteurs, lors du colloque international de la Design Research Society, DRS2018 Limerick, en Irlande.

Bien à tou·te·s, 

Stéphane Vial et Pieter Vermaas

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stéphane Vial <vial.stephane AT>
Date: mar. 10 avr. 2018 à 07:22
Subject: Advancements in the Philosophy of Design
To: PHD-Design (mailing list) <PHD-DESIGN AT>
Cc: Pieter Vermaas - TBM <p.e.vermaas AT>

Dear All, 

Pieter Vermaas and I are happy to announce the release of the edited volume Advancements in the Philosophy of Design in the new series "Design Research Foundations" at Springer

With this volume we present 24 contributions to the philosophy of design. Design is an emerging topic in philosophy and not yet one on which work is shaped by a common set of questions or by an academically entrenched discipline of philosophy of design. We therefore consider it an effort in itself that we can present 24 contributions. A call for contributions on the topic following a successful conference track on philosophy of design in the 2015 11th European Academy of Design Conference in Paris, France, produced close to a hundred reactions. The 24 contributions in this volume grew out of this large response. 

Still philosophy of design is at this moment not an entrenched discipline. The authors of the contributions to this volume are not working within a common discipline and are not drawing from shared earlier thinking or shared approaches and methods. Rather authors are originating from a spectrum of different disciplines, ranging from philosophy to design research, and from product design to architecture. This makes the current volume a diverse one presenting work on design from different perspectives, raising different issues about design, and having different expectations of what is to be achieved by a philosophy of design. Avoiding the trap to use our editorial roles for defining what true issues, methods and goals are for the discipline, we present the 24 contributions primarily in an open and constitutive way.

If you are there, we will be glad to introduce you to the book during the DRS2018 Limerick conference.

Full table of contents (and online reading): 

Kind regards,

Stéphane Vial, Ph.D., H.D.R.
Maître de conférences en design
Associate Professor of Design
Université de Nîmes

Rédacteur en chef
Sciences du Design
Presses Universitaires de France

Stéphane Vial

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  • [ATHENA] (parution) Advancements in the Philosophy of Design, Stéphane Vial, 10/04/2018

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