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[ATHENA] Journée doctorale "Governing the nuclear order" 13 juin Paris Descartes
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- From: Maël Goumri <mael.goumri AT>
- To: diffusion AT, Civilisation matérielle LabEx EHNE - Axe 1 <athena AT>, theuth AT
- Subject: [ATHENA] Journée doctorale "Governing the nuclear order" 13 juin Paris Descartes
- Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 17:07:00 +0200
- Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)
J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la journée doctorale du programme France-Stanford qui se tiendra le mercredi 13 juin à l'Université Paris Descartes sur le thème du gouvernement de l'énergie nucléaire. Cette journée doctorale fait suite à la conférence "Revisiting the nuclear order" des 11 et 12 juin ( Elle a pour but de présenter des travaux en cours sur l'énergie nucléaire et de permettre une discussion entre chercheurs confirmés et étudiants en Master ou thèse, qu'ils fassent ou non partie du programme.
Maël Goumri
This graduate workshop is following the “Revisiting the Nuclear
Order” conference. It is a part of a bilateral France/United States research
project funded by the Partner University Fund for a period of 3 years
(2016-2019). It aims to delve into the various governance forms across time and
space of nuclear civil energy. The atom destruction potential shaped the
representations that the population may have of nuclear energy. The post WWII
fear of atoms led to a major strategy of “education of desire” of populations
to spread this energy which was supposed to bring development and welfare to
the world. It also framed ways to comprehend the severe accidents and put the
attention of experts on the chain reaction management and technical reliability
more than on the systemic sources of accidents. Even if nuclear disaster
management has been framed by international organizations like the IAEA or
Euratom, the governance of nuclear disaster also depends very much on national
This workshop will present
ongoing works on nuclear energy management by exploring particularly the
practices (and their circulation at a global scale), the actors and the
institutions involved in this governance. The various backgrounds of our
speakers will permit an international comparison, particularly between France,
the US and Japan. It will also question the “exceptionalism” of nuclear energy governance
and delve into its materiality. This session aims to examine not only how the
energy is governed but also how their opposition and controversies are managed
at a local, national and global level.
Location: Paris Descartes University – 45 rue des Saints-Pères – 75006 Paris
(Metro line 4 "Saint-Germain-des-Prés" or line 10 "Mabillon" or line 12 "Sèves Babylone")
Room J536, “bâtiment Jacob” 5th floor
Provisional schedule:
14:00 Opening (by Soraya Boudia, Professor at Université Paris Descartes – Cermes3)
14:05-15:50 - Session 1: Planning the nuclear energy development In France and Japan |
Jonathan Lear - PhD Candidate, Stanford University:
The Present Past of Japanese Atomic Power: Backwardness and its Historical Context
Thomas Ashforth - MA Student, Stanford University:
Nuclear propaganda in select regional newspapers in Japan: A snapshot analysis of 1986 and 2010
Claire Le Renard - PhD Candidate, LISIS, LinX, EDF R&D:
Re-opening and reframing the French fast breeder reactor in the 1990s: “democracy has caught up with technology at last”?
15:20-15:50: General discussion introduced by Angela Creager, Professor at Princeton University
15:50-16:05: Coffee break
16:05- 17:50 - Session 2: Governing nuclear safety – avoiding and managing disasters |
Mathias Roger – PhD Candidate, IRSN, Université Paris Descartes, Cermes3
Earth sciences serving the atom? The role of Jean Pierre Rothé, scientific entrepreneur (1945-1976)
Maël Goumri – PhD Candidate, IRSN, Université Paris Descartes, Cermes3
Making accidents hypothetical: Genealogy and appropriation of tools for nuclear safety in France during the 1970s
Valerie Arnhold – PhD Candidate, Sciences Po Paris, CSO
The ordinary apocalypse. The normalization of the Fukushima nuclear accident by nuclear safety organizations
17:20-17:50: General discussion introduced by Francis Chateauraynaud, (Professor, at EHESS, GSPR)
17:50-18:00: Conclusion
Program Graduate Workshop.pdf
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- [ATHENA] Journée doctorale "Governing the nuclear order" 13 juin Paris Descartes, Maël Goumri, 05/25/2018
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