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Subject: Histoire des techniques
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- From: Franck Varenne <fvarenne AT>
- To: theuth AT, athena AT, educasup.philo AT, emetis AT
- Subject: [ATHENA] [Parution] From Models to Simulations
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2018 09:13:48 +0200
Chères et chers
J'ai le plaisir de
vous informer de la parution de mon ouvrage From
Models to Simulations aux éditions Routledge.
Franck Varenne
Description This book analyses the impact computerization has had on contemporary science and explains the origins, technical nature and epistemological consequences of the current decisive interplay between technology and science: an intertwining of formalism, computation, data acquisition, data and visualization and how these factors have led to the spread of simulation models since the 1950s. Using historical, comparative and interpretative case studies from a range of disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the case of plant studies, the author shows how and why computers, data treatment devices and programming languages have occasioned a gradual but irresistible and massive shift from mathematical models to computer simulations.
- [ATHENA] [Parution] From Models to Simulations, Franck Varenne, 09/10/2018
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