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[ATHENA] Fwd: Call for Abstracts - 8th STS Italia Conference // Dis/Entangling Technoscience \\ University of Trieste, June 18-20, 2020
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Marina Maestrutti <Marina.Maestrutti AT>
- Subject: [ATHENA] Fwd: Call for Abstracts - 8th STS Italia Conference // Dis/Entangling Technoscience \\ University of Trieste, June 18-20, 2020
- Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2019 17:08:30 +0100
je transmets cet appel à communication pour le prochain colloque STS Italia et je signale, en particulier, la session n.3 "From the imaginary to emancipation and back.The relationship between disability and technology" dans la thématique Biomedicine, bodies and technoscience.
Marina Maestrutti
je transmets cet appel à communication pour le prochain colloque STS Italia et je signale, en particulier, la session n.3 "From the imaginary to emancipation and back.The relationship between disability and technology" dans la thématique Biomedicine, bodies and technoscience.
Marina Maestrutti
----Call for Abstract Announcement----

The 8th STS Italia Conference will be hosted by the University of Trieste, Italy, June 18 through 20, 2020, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies.
The conference will be an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines: sociology, anthropology, design, economics, history, law, philosophy, psychology and semiotics. The focal theme of the 8th STS Italia Conference will be "Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice”. This broad theme refers to the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting societies – making possibilities flourish, but also creating new vulnerabilities. The conference will include 33 tracks, which are clustered into five thematic streams. The tracks focus on several topics, including: biomedicine, digital platforms and media, work and organizations, expertise and public policy, ethics of technology and innovation, and governance of science and technology at large.
The conference will be an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines: sociology, anthropology, design, economics, history, law, philosophy, psychology and semiotics. The focal theme of the 8th STS Italia Conference will be "Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice”. This broad theme refers to the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting societies – making possibilities flourish, but also creating new vulnerabilities. The conference will include 33 tracks, which are clustered into five thematic streams. The tracks focus on several topics, including: biomedicine, digital platforms and media, work and organizations, expertise and public policy, ethics of technology and innovation, and governance of science and technology at large.
Conference’s keynote speakers include: Amade M’charek (University of Amsterdam); Dimitris Papadopoulos (University of Nottingham) and René von Schomberg (European Commission)
Abstracts (written in English, or in Italian in case of tracks in two language) should be submitted by February, 9 to the conference email address (stsitaliaconf AT and to the emails of convenors' selected track. Track Convenor(s) will be responsible for reviewing, accepting/rejecting and organising submissions into their track.
Abstracts (written in English, or in Italian in case of tracks in two language) should be submitted by February, 9 to the conference email address (stsitaliaconf AT and to the emails of convenors' selected track. Track Convenor(s) will be responsible for reviewing, accepting/rejecting and organising submissions into their track.
STS Italia offers 4 scholarships for talented PhD students, post-doc and non-tenured academics. The scholarship will cover registration fees, accommodation and social dinner (see more details about scholarships on the conference website).
Check the conference website for further information and to read the 33 specific call for abstracts. To contact the organization team write to <stsitaliaconf AT>
----- Fin du message transféré -----
Marina Maestrutti
Maitre de conférences en Sociologie
Département de Sociologie (UFR 10)
CETCOPRA (Centre d'Etude des Techniques, des Connaissance, des Pratiques
13, rue Sainte Croix de la Brétonnerie 75004 Paris
Téléphone : +33 142788450 - Fax : +33 1 - Portable : +33 617477652
Maitre de conférences en Sociologie
Département de Sociologie (UFR 10)
CETCOPRA (Centre d'Etude des Techniques, des Connaissance, des Pratiques
13, rue Sainte Croix de la Brétonnerie 75004 Paris
Téléphone : +33 142788450 - Fax : +33 1 - Portable : +33 617477652
--- Begin Message ---
- From: STS Italia <stsitaliaconf AT>
- To: STS Italia <stsitaliaconf AT>
- Subject: Call for Abstracts - 8th STS Italia Conference // Dis/Entangling Technoscience \\ University of Trieste, June 18-20, 2020
- Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:55:59 +0100
Dear Convenor,it is our pleasure to announce you that the call for abstracts of the 8th STS Italia Conference "DIS/ENTANGLING TECHNOSCIENCE: vulnerability, responsibility and justice" is online. Check the conference website for further information.At this stage your help is crucial for the success of the Conference. Please make it circulate through your networks, by using the Call for Abstract Announcement below.We would like to signal next important dates:
- February 9, 2020: Deadline for abstract submission;
- March 2, 2020: Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection;
- March 29, 2020: Early registration deadline;
- April 19, 2020: Closing date for registration (mandatory to be included in the programme);
- May 24, 2020: Publication of the final conference programme;
- June 18-20, 2020: Conference
We will contact you for further updates in mid-February to forward you the list of abstracts submitted to your track. We will thus ask you to compile the final list by the end of February. Keep in mind that only tracks that will reach at least 3 regularly registered contributors will be included into the final program.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you all and our highest appreciation for your contribution to the conference.
Best Regards,
The Organising & Scientific Committee
----Call for Abstract Announcement-----The 8th STS Italia Conference will be hosted by the University of Trieste, Italy, June 18 through 20, 2020, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies.
The conference will be an opportunity to present empirical and theoretical work from a variety of disciplines: sociology, anthropology, design, economics, history, law, philosophy, psychology and semiotics. The focal theme of the 8th STS Italia Conference will be "Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice”. This broad theme refers to the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting societies – making possibilities flourish, but also creating new vulnerabilities. The conference will include 33 tracks, which are clustered into five thematic streams. The tracks focus on several topics, including: biomedicine, digital platforms and media, work and organizations, expertise and public policy, ethics of technology and innovation, and governance of science and technology at large.Conference’s keynote speakers include: Amade M’charek (University of Amsterdam); Dimitris Papadopoulos (University of Nottingham) and René von Schomberg (European Commission)
Abstracts (written in English, or in Italian in case of tracks in two language) should be submitted by February, 9 to the conference email address (stsitaliaconf AT and to the emails of convenors' selected track. Track Convenor(s) will be responsible for reviewing, accepting/rejecting and organising submissions into their track.THEMATIC STREAMS
- Biomedicine, bodies and technoscience;
- Platforms, digital technologies and media environments;
- Rethinking science, technology and innovation: emerging challenges;
- Including, excluding and connecting through / within technoscience;
- Governing and reshuffling technoscience and innovation processes;
STS Italia offers 4 scholarships for talented PhD students, post-doc and non-tenured academics. The scholarship will cover registration fees, accommodation and social dinner (see more details about scholarships on the conference website).Check the conference website for further information and to read the 33 specific call for abstracts. To contact the organization team write to <stsitaliaconf AT>
--- End Message ---
- [ATHENA] Fwd: Call for Abstracts - 8th STS Italia Conference // Dis/Entangling Technoscience \\ University of Trieste, June 18-20, 2020, Marina Maestrutti, 01/12/2019
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