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- From: Laure Ciccione <Laure.Ciccione AT>
- Subject: Re: [ATHENA] 2e appel à sessions WEHC 2021 - Les ressources
- Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 00:06:06 +0100
"Lilianne Pérez (liliane.perez AT via athena Mailing List)" <athena AT> a écrit :
Cher.e.s collègues
Le 2e appel à sessions pour le Congrès d’histoire économique mondial (WEHC 2021) qui se tiendra à Paris (Campus Condorcet) est lancé. Il est ouvert jusqu’en juin 2020. Les propositions seront examinées en novembre 2020.
Le thème du congrès porte sur « Les ressources ».
Si nécessaire, des bourses sont attribuées aux doctorant.e.s, post-doctorant.e.s et participant à des sessions retenues. La candidature aux bourses doit aussi se faire sur le site du congrès.
Bien cordialement,
Liliane Pérez.
De : WEHC 2021 [mailto:wehc2021 AT]
Envoyé : vendredi 20 décembre 2019 23:11
À : news wehc2021
Objet : [WEHC 2021] Second call for Sessions WEHC 2021
Second call for Sessions WEHC 2021
Dear colleagues,
The next WEHC will be held in Paris in 2021. The first call for sessions is closed (consult the sessions selected), but you can now apply for the second call (until June 30, 2020).
The Executive Committee of the IEHA welcomes proposals from all members of the international economic history community, whatever their institutional affiliation or status, as well as from scholars in related disciplines.
The site to submit your session proposals for the second call is now open!
RESOURCES : the theme
of WEHC 2021 in Paris
We’re looking forward to receiving your proposals on the many ‘Resources’ which are and used to be a stake in economies, societies, cultures and environment as well as on other topics in economic and social histories of all places and periods.
All the best,
Wehc2021 organizing committee
Follow us @WEHC2021
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- [ATHENA] 2e appel à sessions WEHC 2021 - Les ressources, Lilianne Pérez, 12/21/2019
- Re: [ATHENA] 2e appel à sessions WEHC 2021 - Les ressources, Laure Ciccione, 12/30/2019
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