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[Athena] Call for Paper_Materials and Time: An Anthology

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Marie Thebaud-Sorger <thebaud.sorger AT>
  • Subject: [Athena] Call for Paper_Materials and Time: An Anthology
  • Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 17:51:11 +0000

Chèr.e.s collègues

Dans le prolongement de la rencontre interdisciplinaire Materials biographies at the crossroads between natural sciences and humanities qui  s’est tenue l’année passée à la Maison française d’Oxford, veuillez trouver ci-dessous un nouvel  appel à contribution pour le projet Materials and Time: An Anthology

N’hésitez pas à le faire circulez largement

Bien cordialement

Marie Thébaud-Sorger

Materials and Time: An Anthology

 Call for papers

Scholars from a wide spectrum of research fields are exploring the temporalities of materials, each from their own disciplinary perspective.

We invite texts of no more than 1000 words discussing the topic of ‘Materials and Time’ for a forthcoming transdisciplinary publication and workshop. How authors wish to interpret this topic is left open, but they should focus on a single material, however construed. We welcome contributions from any discipline. Aspects of time to consider might include:

o   lifetimes, lifecycles, use, trajectories, persistence, endurance, ageing o   depletion, peak, criticality, erosion, alteration, degradation, conservation o   re-use, remaining, recycling, returns, inheritances o   birthdays and anniversaries, death, decline, rebirtho   genealogies, time travelo   ephemerality, regimes of temporality, mimetism o   ages, epochso   chronomarkers, signatures, records and measurements

Selected texts will be included in an anthology publication on this broad topic and their authors may be invited to a one-day workshop to be held in 2021. The workshop will contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary network on materials.

The deadline for submitting texts is April 30, 2020. Texts should be submitted at the following web address:

For more information or any queries please e-mail us at: materialbiographies AT

Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) – Loïc Bertrand (Université Paris-Saclay) – Michael Bycroft (University of Warwick)- John Christie (Oxford University) –Mat Paskins (London School of Economics) –Viviane Quirke (Oxford Brookes University) – Stephen Johnston (Histroy of Science Museum, Oxford)  Marie Thébaud-Sorger (Maison Française d’Oxford, CAK, CNRS) –Frédéric Thibault-Starzyk (Maison Française d’Oxford, CNRS) – Simon Werrett (University College London)

With the support of the S.H.A.C & Maison Française d’Oxford

Dr. Marie Thébaud-Sorger
Associate research professor
Maison Française d'Oxford
USR 3129  CNRS
2-10 Norham Road
Oxford OX2 6SE


  • [Athena] Call for Paper_Materials and Time: An Anthology, Marie Thebaud-Sorger, 03/07/2020

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