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[Athena] Eye Representation and Ocular Terminology

Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Dominique Raynaud <dominique.raynaud AT>
  • Subject: [Athena] Eye Representation and Ocular Terminology
  • Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 22:37:39 +0200

Chères et chers collègues,

Je signale la parution d'un livre qui intéressera peut-être certains d’entre vous.
Vous trouverez ci-joint, le sommaire et l’avis de parution.
Bien à vous,

Dominique Raynaud

Attachment: Eye Raynaud 2020 – ToC*.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Eye Raynaud 2020 – Flyer.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Eye Representation and Ocular Terminology from Antiquity to Helmholtz
Amsterdam: Wayenborgh/Kugler Publications 
("Hirschberg History of Ophthalmology", Vol. 16).
2020, 560 pp.

This book is a continuation of the research on the representation of the eye initiated by Prof. Ludwig Choulant (University of Dresden) and Prof. Hugo Magnus (University of Breslau) at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The aim of the book is to provide all those who need information on how the eye was conceived in a given historical context, with clear and concise iconographic and lexicographic data. The first section contains about 700 images of the eye (first handwritten, then printed) distributed among 450 authors. Each record reproduces the figures of the eye with their own specific anatomical terminology. The second section provides a cluster analysis of the eye figures: the result is a dendrogram, which accounts for the main types of representation of the eye found in the history of ocular anatomy. The work is complemented by a 40-page Index of Concepts containing all the anatomical terms found in the book.

  • [Athena] Eye Representation and Ocular Terminology, Dominique Raynaud, 30/09/2020

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