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[Athena] Prix IUHPST pour un article d'histoire et philosophie des sciences et techniques

Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Patrice Bret <patrice.bret AT>
  • Subject: [Athena] Prix IUHPST pour un article d'histoire et philosophie des sciences et techniques
  • Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 10:52:40 +0000 (UTC)

L'annonce est en anglais, mais l'article doit être rédigé en anglais...  pour le 15 janvier 2021 sur la question mise au concours ci-dessous

Call for entries: IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science 
Submission deadline: 15 January 2021 

The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) invites submissions for the 2021 IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science. This biennial prize competition seeks to encourage fresh methodological thinking on the history and philosophy of science and related areas. 

Entries in the form of an essay of 5,000–10,000 words in English are invited, addressing this year’s prize question: “What can history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine contribute to our current global challenges?” What constitutes a current global challenge is left to the judgment of the authors, but examples include the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, socioeconomic inequality, racism, the refugee crisis, and science denialism. 

All entries should consist of original work that has not previously been published. Entries written originally in another language should be submitted in English translation, along with the name and contact details of the translator. Entries will be judged on the following criteria, in addition to general academic quality: direct engagement with the prize question, effective integration of historical and philosophical perspectives, and potential to provide methodological guidance for other researchers in the field. 

The author of the winning entry will be invited to present the work at the 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST), 25–31 July 2021, which will be held as an online event. Presenting at the Congress will be a condition of the award. 

The award will carry a cash prize of 1,000 US dollars and a waiver of the Congress registration fee. 

Other strong entries will also be considered for presentation at the Congress. In order to ensure this consideration, entrants should submit the entry also as a standalone paper abstract for the Congress by the deadline for that, following the standard instructions indicated on the Congress website: (extended deadline 10 January 2021).

Entries are invited from anyone, without restriction of age, nationality or academic status. Co-authored work will be considered; if the winning entry is a co-authored work the cash prize will be shared out among the authors. 

This prize is administered by the Joint Commission of the IUHPST, whose remit is to make links between the work of the two Divisions of the IUHPST: the DHST (Division of History of Science and Technology) and the DLMPST (Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology). For further information about IUHPST, see: 

Entries for the prize competition should be submitted in pdf format by e-mail to the Chair of the Joint Commission, Prof. Hasok Chang, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (hc372 AT Any queries should also be directed to him. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2021.
- - -
Bernadette Bensaude Vincent
Professeure émérite, 
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
17 Rue de la Sorbonne
F 75231 Paris Cedex 05
bernadette.bensaude-vincent AT  

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  • [Athena] Prix IUHPST pour un article d'histoire et philosophie des sciences et techniques, Patrice Bret, 23/12/2020

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