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[Athena] Annonce webinars : Innovation in India: deciphering environmental, socio-economic and technological issues
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Christophe Bonte <cbonte AT>
- Subject: [Athena] Annonce webinars : Innovation in India: deciphering environmental, socio-economic and technological issues
- Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:31:54 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
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Pour s'inscrire aux Webinaires sur "L’innovation en Inde : décryptage des enjeux technologiques, socio-économiques et environnementaux" suivez le lien . Participation gratuite, inscription obligatoire.
A series of 4 webinars on Innovation in India - To register for the webinars "Innovation in India : deciphering environmental, socio-economic and technological issues" follow the link Participation free. Registration required.
This series of webinars is an initiative of the Association for the Promotion of International Scientific and Technical Relations (AVRIST, It is motivated by a few observations:
- Despite a long-standing history of excellent scientific institutions and a large and enterprising scientific diaspora, and despite some promising successes, India continues to face a number of challenges to meet its high expectations in science and technology. In the globalisation process, India occupies an original place that sets it apart from the dragons or China that founded their first phase of development on exports of manufacturing goods.
- From a geostrategic point of view India has unquestionably a power policy and is perceived by other countries, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, as an active or a potential partner of a balancing policy with China. France and India have for long defined each other as a "strategic partners", much before France declared the Indo-Pacific region as a strategic priority.
- However, the research, higher education and innovation components of this power policy are not clearly deciphered, with the possible exceptions of its space policy and the emphasis on frugal innovation: India is an emerging global economic player and is also recognized as an active player in the fields of science, technology and innovation. It is of interest to its partners to explore to what extent, and in which sectors the innovations developed in India contribute to an original development path for the country.
These webinars propose, through mixing the experience of French and Indian players involved in India in their respective fields – academics, industrialists, diplomats – with the experience of researchers – sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. – whose field of study is India, to contribute to a better understanding of its original place, of the more specific role assigned to innovation in its development, and of the prospects for future development and cooperation.
The following subject matters will be addressed:
- India's challenges: demographics (education, gender imbalances, rural poverty, real but low- employment growth…), climate (urban pollution, droughts, access to water…), infrastructure, interregional balances, energy…
- Concrete actions and results in certain sectors such as: manufacturing, infrastructure, agriculture, food, health and life sciences, urban development management, creative industries and information and communication technologies…
- Current and predictable evolution paths of India's national and regional scientific and innovation policies and of Indian science diplomacy.
- A final roundtable will discuss the prospective for mutually beneficial relationships.
Targeted audience: scientific and academic communities, heads of European companies active in India and Indian companies active in Europe, operators of competitiveness relations and European clusters, diplomats, innovation-promoting bodies, investors.
PROGRAMME All schedules in CET (UTC+1)
1st Webinar Wednesday January 20th, 2021
9:00 Welcome
9:15-10:45 Introductory Session: The Challenges facing India,
coordinated by Jean-Luc Racine (Centre for South Asian Studies, CNRS-EHESS, Paris)
o General Introduction: History, Ideology, S&T policies and the Innovation Debates: what is at stake for India? Jean-Luc Racine
o Scientific and Industrial Challenges and Options for the Economic and Ecological Transition: Joel Ruet (CNRS - Centre d’Economie de Paris-Nord, Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord ; Chercheur Associé, Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation, Ecole Polytechnique)
o Manufacturing, Education and Employment Issues for the innovation processes in India: Santosh Mehrotra (University of Bath)
o India's Original Place in the Global Economy - Positioning, Ambitions and Limits: Isabelle Joumard (OECD)
o India’s Innovation System and Policies: NN (Embassy of India in France)
o Q&A
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:15 Roundtable: Space Research and Space Industries, coordinated by Pierre-Bruno Ruffini (University of Le Havre-Normandie and AVRIST)
Narayan Prasad (Chief Operations Officer Satsearch, Partner to SpacePark Kerala); Isabelle-Sourbès Verger (CNRS); NN, Representative ISRO, Paris; Mathieu Weiss (CNES Representative, Bengaluru).
12:15 END
2nd Webinar Wednesday January 27th, 2021
9:00-10:30 Roundtable: Social Innovations, Microfinance, Inclusive Finance, Aadhar Project, coordinated by Basudeb Chaudhuri (MESRI)
Nicolas Belorgey (CNRS, Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi); Cyril Fouillet (Prof. in Economics, ESSCA School of management; Associate researcher in microfinance, Université Libre de Bruxelles);NN…
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Roundtable: Health, Life Sciences, Food Sciences,
coordinated by Roberte Manigat (MD, Public Health Specialist, AVRIST)
Chetan Chitnis (Pasteur Institute); Srini Kaveri (CNRS, India); Yves-Marie Rault Chodankar (CESSMA); Edmond Rock (INRAE)
12:15 END
3rd Webinar Wednesday February 3rd , 2021
9:00-10:30 Roundtable: Information and Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Creative Industries, coordinated by Monique Rivier (AVRIST)
Véronique Briquet-Laugier (ANR) ; Vivek Sharma (ST Microelectronics, India); Pascal Weil (CNRS, LaBRI Bordeaux and ReLaX Chennai) ; NN (Orange Lab)
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:30 Roundtable: Innovation, Research and Territories - Geography of Scientific Publication; Circulation of Scientists and Engineers; Bottom-up Innovation, coordinated by Eric Denis (CNRS).
Rémy de Bercegol (CNRS, Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi); Roland Lardinois (CNRS) ; Marion Maisonobe (CNRS, Géocités).
12 :15 END
4th Webinar Wednesday February 10th , 2021
9:00-9:40 India, an Innovation Provider for the 21st Century?:
speaker to be confrimed
9:40-10:20 Ambitions and Achievements of India's Science Diplomacy:
Bhaskar Balakrishnan (Science Diplomacy Fellow, RIS, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi)
10:20-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Roundtable: “Cooperation between France and India in the Fields of Science, Technology and Innovation: Trends and Prospects”
Nicolas Gherardi (Deputy Counselor for Education, Science and Culture at Embassy of France in India)
Srini Kaveri (Director of the CNRS Office in India)
+speakers to be confirmed
12:00 END
- [Athena] Annonce webinars : Innovation in India: deciphering environmental, socio-economic and technological issues, Christophe Bonte, 19/01/2021
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