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[ATHENA] Sustaining Knowledge and its Infrastructure, EPFL and online, 16-17 June
Chronological Thread
- From: Simon Dumas Primbault <simon.dumasprimbault AT>
- Subject: [ATHENA] Sustaining Knowledge and its Infrastructure, EPFL and online, 16-17 June
- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 15:10:53 +0200
Dear Colleagues,
The EPFL’s Digital Humanities Institute is happy to extend this invitation to a two-day workshop on Sustaining Knowledge and its Infrastructure: Digital knowledge infrastructures at the crossroads of governance practices.
It will take place on 16-17 June 2022 on the EPFL campus (Lausanne, Switzerland), room SG 0213, and online.
The event is free of charge.
Please register by emailing simon.dumasprimbault AT
Building on a year of research seminars held at EPFL, this two-day workshop aims at shedding further light on how diverse governance practices may play together in digital knowledge infrastructures to guarantee their sustainability, broadly understood.
This workshop will address three complementary aspects of infrastructural sustainability: the legitimacy of digital knowledge infrastructures, the constant maintenance work that holds them together, and their governance at large.Gathering researchers, practitioners, and users of digital knowledge infrastructures, this workshop will be organized around two keynotes by Christine Borgman (Distinguished Professor in Information Studies, UCLA) and Dominique Pestre (Directeur d’études, EHESS), and three roundtables, with ample room for discussion and debate, each dedicated to one of the previously mentioned aspects of infrastructural sustainability.Parallel to the workshop, all participants will be able to partake in a shared visual reflection on how these modes of governance may assemble and articulate to ensure the sustainability and openness of digital knowledge infrastructures (this will be held on collaborative boards open to all).
Full programme and further detail on the workshop’s topic here:
- [ATHENA] Sustaining Knowledge and its Infrastructure, EPFL and online, 16-17 June, Simon Dumas Primbault, 04/28/2022
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