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- From: Martina Schiavon <martina.schiavon AT>
- Subject: [ATHENA] Séminaire histoire des sciences astronomiques
- Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 12:27:31 +0100 (CET)
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Chères et chers collègues,
La prochaine séance du séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques aura lieu dans la Salle Danjon de l’Observatoire de Paris le mardi 12 décembre 2023, à 14h (heure de Paris).
Nous aurons le plaisir d’entendre Ji Chen (SYRTE PSL-Observatoire de Paris) sur :
Adapting and accepting the European astronomical system: A study of the mistakes in the calculation of eclipses using the Western methods in the late Ming and early Qing China.
Vous pouvez lire le résumé à la fin de ce message.
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Pour celles et ceux qui veulent se rendre sur place, les inscriptions peuvent se faire auprès de Christophe Schmit (christophe.schmit AT, au plus tard le lundi 11 décembre (matinée) ; il n’y aura pas besoin d’inscription pour le zoom.
Pour rappel, le séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le Centre François Viète (UR 1161, Université de Nantes et Université de Bretagne occidentale), les Archives Henri-Poincaré - Philosophie et Recherches sur les Sciences et les Technologies (UMR 7117 du CNRS, de l’Université de Lorraine, de l’Université de Strasbourg), le Bureau des longitudes, la Bibliothèque de l’Observatoire de Paris et le laboratoire SYRTE - Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (UMR 8630 du CNRS, de l’Observatoire de Paris - Université PSL, de Sorbonne Université et du LNE). Vous trouverez d’autres informations ainsi que le programme des séminaires à cette adresse (les salles y sont systématiquement indiquées pour chaque séance du séminaire) :
Au plaisir de vous retrouver,
Martina Schiavon (pour le comité d’organisation)
Enseignante-chercheuse (MCF) - HDR en Histoire des sciences et des techniques
Université de Lorraine
E-mail : Martina.Schiavon AT
European astronomy was used to reform the calendar with the assistance of the Jesuits in the late Ming China and became the official astronomical system in the early Qing dynasty. However, the process of widespread recognition and application of the Western astronomical methods was not smooth but full of obstacles. Taking the eclipse prediction, one of the focal points of attention at that time, as an entry point, this presentation will reveal the relevant historical details by discussing the mistakes that occurred in the calculation of eclipses by the Western methods. Firstly, the mistake in the process of predicting the solar eclipse in the 7th year of the Ming Chongzhen 崇祯 reign (1634) had a bad impact on the official adoption of the Western methods. Besides the reasons discussed by previous scholars, the serious consequences should be also related to the uncredible explanation given by the Jesuits for the cause of this mistake. Secondly, the mistakes in the calculation of eclipses by the Western methods during the Chongzhen reign (r. 1628-1644) were not isolated incidents. Their occurrence was inseparable from human factors such as the carelessness. But fundamentally speaking, the root cause actually laid in the adoption of Chinese and Western astronomical systems in eclipse prediction results and calculation processes, respectively. Until the late period of Qing Kangxi 康熙 reign (r. 1662-1722), with the gradual application of the Western astronomical systems in both eclipse calculation processes and prediction results, as well as the improvement of eclipse calculation processes to reduce the influence of human factors, the mistakes in eclipse calculations by the Western methods were basically eliminated or almost completely avoided.
- [ATHENA] Séminaire histoire des sciences astronomiques, Martina Schiavon, 02/12/2023
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