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[ATHENA] Offre contrat doctoral 4 ans - Université de Genève

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  • From: Yohann Guffroy <yohann.guffroy AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] Offre contrat doctoral 4 ans - Université de Genève
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 15:31:26 +0200

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

J'ai le plaisir de vous transférer de la part du Pr. Bruno Strasser une proposition de contrat doctoral de 4 ans à l'Université de Genève. N'hésitez pas à transférer cette offre à tout·e étudiant·e intéressé·e.

Meilleures salutations,
Yohann Guffroy

We are opening a 4-year position to complete a dissertation in contemporary history / history of science, technology and medicine at the University of Geneva.

The successful candidate will join an international research team of historians and anthropologists working on the project "After the Single Use: Rethinking Medical Devices for Reuse, Resilience and Renewal” funded by a Wellcome Discovery Award, and he/she will be co-supervised by Bruno J. Strasser (University of Geneva) and Jeremy Greene (Johns Hopkins University). 

Together, we will explore how disposable products became normal in healthcare in the twentieth century, as well as the medical, social, and environmental consequences of this transformation in the twenty-first.

The PhD candidate will be based at the University of Geneva, and is expected to work in archives of hospitals, corporations, and international organisations in Switzerland and abroad.

Necessary skills and requirements

  • Master's degree in contemporary history, history of science, technology of medicine, or an equivalent degree.
  • Good writing skills.
  • Good English proficiency, as well as reading knowledge of French or German.

Starting date:

Early 2025 (1st February 2025 at the latest)

Application materials:

The application (motivation letter, CV, writing sample, names and contact information of three persons of reference) must be submitted online here by clicking on the button "Postuler/Apply now" before October 15, 2024 (11:59 pm Geneva time).

Prof. Bruno J. Strasser
University of Geneva
66 boulevard Carl-Vogt
CH - 1211 Geneva 4
+41 22 379 07 12

  • [ATHENA] Offre contrat doctoral 4 ans - Université de Genève, Yohann Guffroy, 29/08/2024

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