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athena - [ATHENA] Fw: Special Extended Deadline Registration 5 September 2024 | Inter. Colloq. Carnot Lille 2024 & Exhibition Rare Carnots Mss | 11-13 Sept. 2024, France |

athena AT

Objet : Histoire des techniques

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[ATHENA] Fw: Special Extended Deadline Registration 5 September 2024 | Inter. Colloq. Carnot Lille 2024 & Exhibition Rare Carnots Mss | 11-13 Sept. 2024, France |

Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Patrice Bret <patrice.bret AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] Fw: Special Extended Deadline Registration 5 September 2024 | Inter. Colloq. Carnot Lille 2024 & Exhibition Rare Carnots Mss | 11-13 Sept. 2024, France |
  • Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:33:29 +0000 (UTC)

Pour information

Patrice Bret
Membre honoraire du Centre Alexandre Koyré (EHESS-CNRS-MNHN) / LabEx HASTEC (EPHE-PSL)
Secrétaire général du Comité Lavoisier de l'Académie des sciences
Membre émérite du CTHS (Section Sciences, Histoire des sciences et des techniques, Archéologie industrielle)
Membre de l'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences

----- Message transmis -----
De : \"Pisano Prof. Dr. Raffaele\"" (via theuth Mailing List) <theuth AT>
À : PISANO Prof. Dr. Raffaele <raffaele.pisano AT>
Envoyé : vendredi 30 août 2024 à 19:20:43 UTC+2
Objet : [Theuth] Special Extended Deadline Registration 5 September 2024 | Inter. Colloq. Carnot Lille 2024 & Exhibition Rare Carnots Mss | 11-13 Sept. 2024, France |

Chères et Chers Membres de la liste de diffusion

Rappel & Prolongation Inscription : 5 Septembre 2024

Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024 & Les Carnots

Avec la présence de l'Académie des sciences, Institutions et des descendante de la famille Carnot, M Robert Fox, M Jean Dhombres et al.
Official Website URL:

Les informations complémentaires sont ci-dessous.

Merci et bien cordialement

Dear MList Members
Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium Carnot | Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu 1824–2024 & Les Carnots | University of Lille, France | 11-13 Sept. 2024
Official Website URL:

Three-Days Refreshments, Keynote Speakers, Academy of Science, et al. Welcome Cocktail, Cocktail Gala Dinner & Live Music, etc.

Special Extended Deadline General Registration: 5 September 2024:
[An Access Control List (ACL) will rule which regular confirmed-registered scholars/people are granted access to Carnot Lille 2024].

Programme & Book of Abstracts:
List of Participants:

Plenary Speakers, Invited Chairpersons, etc.

Temporary and Unique Exhibition at Carnot Lille 2024 Colloquium-3 Days. Exhibition Selected Lazare, Sadi et al. Carnot Rare Original Documents from 4-sites:
• Private original Carnot Family Chateau Presles unknown documents
• Archives Académie des Sciences, Paris, France
• Archives Académie François Bourdon, Le Creusot, France
• Archives Bibliothèque d'Agglomération de St-Omer, France


Springer Carnot Collection Book [History of Physics Springer Collection Book series ]
Title Book: A History of Thermodynamics: Homage to Sadi Carnot's. Réflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu 1824–2024. Selected Essays as New Historical Insights into the Physics-Mathematics Relationship. Springer.
Expected Publication: 2025-
Further details:


Thank you for re-spreading,
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Carnot 1824-2024, September, 11-13, 2024, University of Lille, France. If you require any further
information, please feel free to reach out to: raffaele.pisano @

Stay Safe & My Best Wishes
Prof. Raffaele Pisano, Ph.D, HDR
Physicist, Full Professor in History of Physics | History of Science | Intellectual History of Science | History of Physics/Mathematics | Physics/Electricity
Head of History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies Team (HOPAST)
IEMN, Department of Physics, Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Lille University | UMR CNRS 8520 | Room 149
Cité scientifique | Avenue Poincaré CS 60069 | 59652 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, FRANCE
Office: +33 3 20.19.7971 | raffaele.pisano @ | Homepage:

2023- Elected Member of the Steering Board of the Institute Eric Weil, University of Lille, France
2022- Elected Member/Representative of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Council Libraries & Learning Center
2011-2023 Elected V-President and President of the IDTC-Inter-divisional Teaching Commission (DLMPST/DHST/IUHPST)
2019. Visiting Professor, HPS School, University of Sydney, Australia
2018. Visiting Professor, CPNSS, London School of Economics, UK

Past PR-Officer (2006-2012) The European Society for the History of Science
Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture: "The Breaking of a Paradigm: Mechanics to Thermodynamics" (2017, Portland University, USA)
3rd International Summer School for Sciences, HPS, Applied Science & Technology, Education 

Recent Books
2024. Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024. Text, Transcription, Commentaries , Springer,
2024. Pisano R (ed) A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas and Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino , Springer,
2021. Pisano R, Coopersmith J, Peacke M Essay on Machines in General (1786). Lazare Carnot's Mechanics. Vol.1, Springer
2017. Pisano R, Agassi J, Drozdova D (2017) (eds) Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science. Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964, Springer.
2017. Pisano R, Fichant M, Bussotti P, Oliveira A (eds) The Dialogue between sciences, Philosophy and Engineering. Homage to Gottfried W. Leibniz 1646-1716. London College Publications 
2016. Pisano R, Capecchi D Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in the Sixteenth Century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII, Springer
2014. Gillispie CC, Pisano R Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship. 2nd ed. Springer. Etc.


"Thought does not respect national frontiers. Yet scientific ideas are far from stateless citizens". (Thackray, A. 1970. Atoms and Powers. Cambridge MA: The Harvard Univ. Press, p. 4, line 4).
"Audentes fortuna iuvat" (Vergilius, Æneis, X, 284) | "Per aspera ad astra" (Cicero, De natura deorum III, 40; Vergilius, Æneis, IX, 641; Seneca, Hercules furens, II, 437-441)

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  • [ATHENA] Fw: Special Extended Deadline Registration 5 September 2024 | Inter. Colloq. Carnot Lille 2024 & Exhibition Rare Carnots Mss | 11-13 Sept. 2024, France |, Patrice Bret, 30/08/2024

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