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  • From: Isabelle Lémonon <ilemonon AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] Fwd: International Conference on the History of Chemistry
  • Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 03:58:03 -0700

Chè collègues,

Pour celles et ceux d'entre vous que cette annonce pourrait intéresser.
Isabelle Lémonon

Dr. Isabelle Lémonon-Waxin
CERMES 3 - BP 8 - 7 rue Guy Môquet - 94801 Villejuif Cedex
Centre François Viète - UFR Sciences et Techniques - Nantes
Commission on Women and Gender in History of Science, Technology and Medicine of DHST-IUHPST

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : María Jesús Santesmases <mariaj.santesmases AT>
Date: lun. 14 oct. 2024 à 12:21
Subject: International Conference on the History of Chemistry
To: <cowgs AT>

Dear list members,

It is a pleasure to share with you this call for the forthcoming 14th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (Valencia, Spain, 11-14 June 2025), in whose topics gendered technologies are included.

For details, see please below.

All very best,

María J Santesmases.

President, Commission on women and Gender in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Call for abstracts (2nd CfP)


Every other year the EuChemS Working Party on the History of Chemistry (WPHC) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. The general aim of the conferences organised by the WPHC is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists, museum curators, science educators and historians of chemistry, and to gather the community on a regular basis. The 14th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (14 ICHC) will take place from 11 to 14 of June, 2025 in Valencia, Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.


The 14 ICHC will be hosted by the Lopez Piñero Inter-University Institute - University of Valencia, an academic institution which supports research projects and outreach activities on historical and social studies on medicine, technology, science and the environment.


The general conference theme is Chemistry & Capitalism with the aim to foster debates about the relationship between chemistry broadly constructed, industry, environment, and regulations through a historical perspective. A non-exhaustive list of possible topics includes:


-Chemistry/chymistry in the market before capitalism

-Artisans & industries

-Globalization & corporative powers

-Experts in economy & science

-Fascist science

-Communist science

-Gendered technologies

-Regulation & decision-making

-Commodification & circulation of chemistry

-Toxics & agriculture

-Environmental history

-Labor & trade unions in chemistry

-Neoliberalism & academy

-Communicating science and propaganda 

-Chemistry in mass media

Sessions and papers on all aspects of the historical development of material and life sciences are also welcomed.


The conference programme will include scientific sessions, and the following key-note lectures:


- Francesca Antonelli (Universitat de València), “Compound Interests: The Paulze and Lavoisier Families between Chemistry, Administration, and Politics (1760s–1830s)”


- Angela Creager (Princeton University), “Chemical Passports: Environmental Science, Information, and Regulation in the Trade of Toxic Substances”


- David Edgerton (King's College London), “What can chemistry tells us about capitalism, and what can capitalism tells us about chemistry?”


The conference will also feature an early Career information session, the Commission for the History of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHCMS) Early Career Lecture, the John and Martha Morris award ceremony, the WPHC business meeting, as well as social events such as a welcome party, a conference dinner, and a visit to the blast furnace and other industrial heritage sites in the city of Sagunto, which also preserves a Roman castle and theater.


Important Dates

- Deadline for submitting proposals: 1 December 2024

- Notification of acceptance: 5 February

- Provisional programme: March 2025

- Application for grants (SHAC, CHCMS & IILP): 28 February 2025

- Decision about grants: 15 March 2025

- Early bird registration: before 15 April 2025

- Late registration: before 16 April - 15 May 2025

- Deadline to have paper included in the programme: 15 May 2025

- On-site registration (not included in the programme): 16 May - 14 June 2025

- Final programme: Late May 2025

- Conference dates: 11 - 14 June 2025 (Saturday excursion included)


Proposal guidelines

The programme committee especially encourages the submission of panel/session proposals, but also welcomes the submission of stand-alone papers. Collaborations and co-authorships are accepted.


All proposals must be in English, the language of the conference. Submitted abstracts and session proposals (max. 250 words) will be subject to review by an International Advisory Committee, that assists the Steering Organising Committee in ensuring the quality of the conference programme (see below). Sessions should include about 4-6 papers, and no more than one session can be proposed by the same organizer. There is a limit of one paper per presenter (including the papers listed inside a panel or a session). Each participant will have 15 minutes to present the paper, additional time will be included in all session for discussions and debates. All paper proposals must use the templates for panels and papers provided on the conference website, and submitted by email (by December 1st, 2024) to: 14ichcvalencia AT


Additional information on submission

- The Steering Committee has the flexibility to adjust the proposed sessions as necessary.

- The Working Party for the History of Chemistry is committed to advancing gender equality, social justice, and geographical diversity at our conferences. The review process will take these factors into account to ensure the event is accessible to scholars from diverse backgrounds, institutions, and professional circumstances, while promoting inclusivity and equitable representation within academia.



The conference will be organized by the Lopez Piñero Interuniversity Institute (University of Valencia). The Institute is located in a restored 18th century palace in the centre of the city of Valencia, where the Historical-Medical Library and the Scientific-Medical Collection of the University of Valencia are located, with permanent and temporary monographic exhibitions.


Registration fees


Early bird
(before 15 April)

Regular fee
(16 April – 15 May)


On-site registration
(16 May -14 June)

(not included in the programme)

Conference fee, regular participants

250 €

300 €

400 €

Reduced fee (students and independent scholars)*

50 €

100 €

200 €

Accompanying persons

150 €

200 €

300 €

Conference dinner

€ to be announced


Day excursion

€ to be announced


Tour in the city

€ to be announced




Registration will open will open in February 2025.


The registration fees include the following:


-          Admission to all conference sessions

-          Conference materials and participant package

-          Light lunches at the conference venue for the three days of the meeting

-          Tea, coffee, and refreshments during session breaks


(*) Please note that reduced fees are intended for pre-doctoral or postdoctoral students without economic resources, or unemployed scholars and other individuals in a precarious financial situation, and particularly to those who lack regular sources of income. Applicants are required to submit a letter or statement detailing their circumstances by 28 February 2025


Practical info


Permissions: In registering for the 14 ICHC, participants and speakers grant permission to the ICHC team to film, record or photograph it, as well as to be included in the book of abstracts. It is understood that these recordings and photographs may be used for news or promotional purposes for the promotion of the conference.


For practical information about the city, accommodations, and other details, please visit the website section, which will be updated regularly.


International organisers

Working party on History of Chemistry of the European Chemical Society


Local organisers

Lopez Piñero Inter-University Institute - University of Valencia.


Steering Organising Committee


José Ramon BERTOMEU-SANCHEZ, Inter-university Institute for Science Studies (IILP)-Universitat de València, Spain

Annette LYKKNES, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (chair of the Working Party on History of Chemistry)

Ignacio SUAY-MATALLANA, Inter-university Institute for Science Studies (IILP)-Universitat de València, Spain (co-chair of the Steering Organizing Committee)

Brigitte Van TIGGELEN, Science History Institute, Philadelphia, USA (co-chair of the Steering Organizing Committee)


Local Organizing Committee


Francesca ANTONELLI, IUED, Universitat de València, Spain

José Ramon BERTOMEU-SANCHEZ, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain

Carmel FERRAGUD, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain

Antonio GARCÍA BELMAR, Universidad de Alicante, Spain

Ximo GUILLEM-LLOBAT, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain

Sofiya KAMALOVA, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain

Silvia PÉREZ CRIADO, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain

Ignacio SUAY-MATALLANA, IILP-Universitat de València, Spain (chair)


International Advisory Committee

Charlotte ABNEY SALOMON, Science History Institute, USA

Francesca ANTONELLI, IUED, Universitat de València, Spain

Marco BERETTA, Università di Bologna, Italy

Gisela BOECK, Institute of Chemistry, Rostock University, Germany

Ewa BULSKA, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw, Poland

Filip A. BUYSE, Royal Flemish Chemical Society, Belgium

José Antonio CHAMIZO GUERRERO, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Maria José CORREA-GÓMEZ, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile

Danielle ME FAUQUE, EST-GHDSO, Faculté des sciences, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Hjalmar FORS, Hagströmer Library, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Antonio GARCÍA BELMAR, Universidad de Alicante, Spain

Pere GRAPI VILUMARA, Societat Catalana de Química, Spain

Corinna GUERRA, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Georgina HEDESAN, University of Oxford, UK

Thijs HAGENDIJK, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ernst HOMBURG, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Frank AJL JAMES, University College London, UK

Yoshiyuki KIKUCHI, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan

Anders LUNDGREN, Uppsala University, Sweden

Isabel MALAQUIAS, CIDTFF, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.

Matteo MARTELLI, Università di Bologna, Italy

Christoph MEINEL, Universität Regensburg, Germany

Vesna MILANOVIC MASTRAPOVIC, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Chemistry, Serbia

Bruce MORAN, University of Nevada, USA

Peeter MÜÜRSEPP, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Inés PELLÓN, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain

Asbjørn PETERSEN, The Danish Society for the History of Chemistry, Denmark

Birutė RAILIENĖ, Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania

Carsten REINHARDT, Universität Bielefeld, Germany

Maria RENTETZI, Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Alan ROCKE, Case Western Reserve University, USA

Ana SIMÕES, CIUHCT- University of Lisbon, Portugal

Rudolph W. SOUKUP, Universität Wien, Austria

Sacha TOMIC, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France

Geert VANPAEMEL, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


Contact information for practical questions14ichcvalencia AT

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  • [ATHENA] Fwd: International Conference on the History of Chemistry, Isabelle Lémonon, 15/10/2024

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