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[ATHENA] ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone, Japan (oct 23-26, 2018) de la part de Michiko Maéjima

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "MARTINE MILLE" <martine.mille1 AT>
  • To: <athena AT>, <histoire_eco-request AT>
  • Cc: <hikone-icofort AT>, "'Michiko Maejima'" <michikomaejima AT>
  • Subject: [ATHENA] ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone, Japan (oct 23-26, 2018) de la part de Michiko Maéjima
  • Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 14:59:19 +0200

Cher-e-s collègues,

Je vous prie de bien vouloir trouver ci-joint l’appel à communication pour le prochain colloque ICOFORT des 23 au 26 octobre 2018 (Hikone, Japon).

Voir les informations ci-après.


Bien cordialement et au plaisir de vous y recevoir.

Michiko Maéjima

PhD Histoire des techniques Cnam


De la part des organisateurs

Riichi Miyake (chaiman)

Rumi Okazaki (coordinator)



Call for Paper

for ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone, Japan (Oct. 23-26, 2018)

[Theme of Conference] Fortification and Defensive City

Following the First Circular delivered last March, the Executive Committee for ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone, Japan, has a pleasure to announce once again that the conference will take place in the city of Hikone, in Shiga Prefecture in Japan, between October 23 (Tue) and 26 (Fr), 2018, followed by post-conference tour to the western regions of Japan. Hikone is known as typical “castle city” (joka-machi) formulated in the course of the 16th and the 17th centuries with the construction of a castle in the centre. This castle, designed for Lord Ii, is among the five castles in Japan designated as national treasure. The defensive system is elaborated by double moat system as well as steep stone walls around the compound. In parallel with the castle tower (tenshukaku) above the hill, sophisticated residences and pavilions are situated on the lower land with subtle and profound artistic flavour.  


Conference in Hikone:  October 23 (Tue) – 26 (Fri), 2018  - Post-conference Tour will be programmed between October 27 (Sat) and 28 (Sun)     

Organized by the Executive Committee for ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone

Co-organized by ICOFORT / Japan ICOMOS National Committee / Hikone City /Hikone City Board of Education / ARCHI-DEPOT Corporation / Shiga University / University of Shiga Prefecture Morally Supported by Hikone Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Hikone Sightseeing Association


The theme of 2018 ICOFORT Hikone is “Fortification and Defensive City”.

The presentations will be allocated into the issue-based interdisciplinary sessions. The applicants are expected to assume the following areas for their presentation.

Castle and Fortification   

Defensive System and Techinque for Cities and Settlements   

Naval Affairs and Port   

Modern Military Facilities and Sites    

Memory of War and Military Landscape   

Documentation, Conservation and Management of Military Heritage


[Submission of Paper] Those who are willing to make presentation in the Conference have to submit the full paper. The author has to pass the screening processes when he/she submit the abstract. Once he/she is accepted, full paper has to be submitted in a due time.

The languages of the Proceedings are English, Spanish and Japanese, but for the latter two, English abstracts should be added.

 Accordingly, the Proceedings will be edited and published based on the following schedule.


Submission of Abstract: deadline June 11 (Mon), 2018  ←date updated

Acceptance of Abstract: June 25 (Mon), 2018 ←date updated

Submission of Full Paper: deadline September 3 (Mon), 2018

Completion of Final List of Presentation: September  17 (Mon), 2018

Abstract should be written in English, Japanese or Spanish and sent to the secretariat by email in the form of PDF and Word:      

Secretariat of the Executive Committee:  hikone-icofort AT


[Language] For the conference, 3 languages are to be used as working languages: Japanese, English and Spanish


[Contact] For the detail of the conference, please refer to the web-site (English, Japanese and Spanish)

For inquiries, please contact the secretariat:

Secretariat of the Executive Committee for ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone  

chairman      Riichi Miyake  

coordinator  Rumi Okazaki

c/o Japan ICOMOS National Committee Iwanami


HItotsubashi Building 13F, 2-5-5 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0003, Japan

Tel:  +81-3-5276-8200

hikone-icofort AT







Bien cordialement.


Martine MILLE

Doctorante, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE-Paris)

EA 4116 SAPRAT(Savoirs et Pratiques du Moyen Age au XIXe siècle)

ED 472 (Section HTD Histoire Texte Documents)

Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) Research University




Attachment: 2nd Circular ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

  • [ATHENA] ICOFORT International Conference in Hikone, Japan (oct 23-26, 2018) de la part de Michiko Maéjima, MARTINE MILLE, 05/14/2018

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